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Doric Bladderskite

(Foolish Talker in Doric)
[Words composed by DDJ as alternative lyrics to the midi, 'Carolina Sunshine']

Short Introduction

Kennin' bladderskitin' is ma wykeness noo, [ Knowing  ....... weakness]
Here is mair the kin o' pelt I spik, [ more .... kind .... rubbish ..... speak]
Wi' unco doric wirdies mak ye groo, [strange ..... words .... shudder]
Fan thon skelps ye at graun lick, [When .... hit  ..... speed]
Till yer een are blin'd an' yer harns are seek,
[ eyes .... blinded .... brains ..... sick]
Weesh it wis i' English leid,  [ Wish ...... English language]
Bladderskitin' blethers syne aye gies ootlin fowks a fell sair heid.
[ strangers .... dangerous migrain]

Bladderskitin' is ma wykeness.
Bladderskitin's i' ma hert. 
[ heart]
Fan the day is deen, I'm reisin,
[ done ..... restive]
Fer neest ain tae stert.  [ next ..... start]
Maks nae ony odds fit I'm spikin',
[ makes no difference  ...... saying]
Ainly kin' o' wirds I kyte,
[Only kind of words I can stomach]
Are i' doric leid thit I maun eese, 
[ must use]
Fan I bladderskite.

Bladderskitin's muckle gabbin'. [a great deal of prattling]
Bladderskitin's sich a reese. [ joke at another's expense]
Fan the day is deen I'm yockin',
[ itching]
Fer morn's tarraneese.
[ teasing]
Maks nae ony odds fit I'm spikin',
Ainly kin' o' wirds I kyte,
Are i' doric leid thit I maun eese,
Fan I bladderskite.

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