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by Kathleen Chambers

In my dreams I can see
The stories that have been told to me
Of a place held close to heart
By the people who did depart
From her shore so long ago
A love of her they did bestow 

I have heard of the sheep grazing on the moor
And the fishing boats along your shore
Heather as far as the eye can see
Hills of purple majesty
Forgotten crofts that barely show
Abandoned many years ago 

At Culloden field and all around
The battle scars upon the ground
Are monuments of time gone by
A legacy we can't deny
The men that fought in battles past
Will live as long as memories last 

And though I live so far away
My thoughts to you do sometimes stray
To the family I've never known
Except in the pictures that I'm shown
And in stories that fade from memory
Like the distant waves upon the sea

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