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Poems and Stories by David Briant
Sally The Silly Seagull

           Sally the seagull always wanted to do things her own way. When the other seagulls flew left she went right. When they went along the lake searching for food she flew inland. Sally always had to do it her way. On this particular day Sally was being her usual self flying alone along the city streets looking for food leftovers that people had thrown away. Then she saw what she thought was a great deal of a meal.

            While flying along a busy road Sally saw a large brown bag from a fast food restaurant someone had thrown away. It was a big puffy bag so Sally thought it was full of food. She was delighted with herself and swooped down to peck open the bag to get a scrumptious feast.

            Sally no sooner started pecking the bag when it moved. She pecked at it again and again. Each time she pecked the bag moved further away along the roadside. This was beginning to frustrate Sally but she kept pecking away at the big brown bag. The bag never opened.

            She pecked and pecked so many times that the bag moved onto the roadway. Twice cars almost hit Sally. The bag was blown back onto the roadside where Sally pecked again at the bag.

            Sally pecked at the bag for over an hour until finally she got a corner of the bag open. She pecked some more until she was able to open the bag up to get her head inside. She was so proud of herself as she looked inside to see her big tasty meal.

            The big brown bag moved around her head. Sally pulled out an empty wrapper and another and another. Finally all the wrappers were out and she stuck her head in one last time to get that big feast she knew was in there. She grabbed it, pulled it out, than looked again. All that was in the big brown puffy bag was one French fry. She flew off a moment later angry at the bag for being empty.

            What Sally thought was a feast was an empty bag of garbage with nothing worthy to eat for all the effort she put in. If Sally had worked with the other seagulls she would have found out sooner there was nothing worthwhile inside.

            Sometimes our lives are like that. We peck our way around at a job or task thinking it’s really important but in the end find out it wasn't worth it. Decide what is important then spend time on it. Don’t be too proud to think you can do it yourself. Others will help if you ask.


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