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Poems and Stories by David Briant

The glories of the autumn are rich and blessed
It is a harvest of all the summer growth
The last of the canning and preserves are done
The hot humid summer gives way to a crisp clean air
The green of the trees and bushes are replaced with vibrant colours of various oranges, yellows, reds, golds, and greens
The leaves the covered the land will soon fall to the ground preparing it for a winter sleep 

Autumn is a glorious time of the year that heightens our senses and our minds
Autumn allows us to relax from a busy and rushed summer
Autumn lets us reflect on all we did during the past year
Autumn lets us nurture our hearts and minds with a lovely landscape that reaches to the sky
Leaf strewn woods and parks are great for swooshing leafy walks
A warm fireplace invites couples to snuggle and relax
It is a time for family and friends to share in a banquet of that years harvest

To some autumn is an end to the summer or a start to winter
To others autumn is the close of spring growing season
The rest autumn is a time unto itself unique only to a few places in the world where morning frost blends with the greens, yellows, golds, oranges, and reds to add a glistening white to an already beautiful land

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