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Poems and Stories by David Briant
Soldiers Plea

An order I give to you this day that you fight for one another.
Once I fought for you, now you must fight beside one another.
By this all others will know that we are brothers for now we battle for all.
For we fight for freedom and the right to live free.
Pick up the gauntlet of freedom this day to fight for all to be free everywhere.
For we have the right to be free.
Now fight along with our brothers and sisters in this battle against tyranny.
For not only our lives but also our spirits.
No matter who we were before this day we are now one and fight as one for everyone.
The gauntlet of freedom is cast down for all to pick up, wear and to fight for one another.

Once I fight for your freedom at the cost of my own.
Now I have fallen and need you to carry on the fight.
Band together to march forward into battle for us all.
Do not shed tears for us that have fallen.
We will weep for you our kinsmen who have rallied to our aid this day.

Now I ask that you pick up the gauntlet, put it on and fight along side your sisters and brothers for our freedom. For it is only in our unity that we will find what we need in order to fight to be free.
Wear the gauntlet and march into battle with a strong face and courageous heart.
Face the enemy with honour, respect, and dignity for you are part of a greater whole then ever was before.
Go now and join with the others in the battle for freedom.
Then let the bright star of freedom we have gained surround us with its beauty and peace.

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