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Poems by Bob Beveridge

This is dedicated to my godson and nephew Richard McMinn who died suddenly of a heart attack on the 2nd June 2004,aged 30 years.
I'm glad that I knew Richy
In his little blue jacket and his blonde baby curls
As he sped along on his little yellow race car
I was sad to see him go, but now I'd Have a room of my own!
I'm glad that I knew Richy
Now he's started school
You should see him in his uniform, what a cheeky smile
I was sad to see him go, but now he's got his room!
I'm glad that I knew Richy
He's got his own room now
Not for him Action Man! Oh No! It's the Lone Ranger and Tonto
I was sad to see him go, but now he's got to grow!
I'm glad that I knew Richy
He's had a chance to grow
Guitars and girls fill his life, high school and exams
I was sad to see him go, but he's had his to grow!
I'm glad that I knew Richy
Oh! did I mention his pals?
A strange rabbit and two daft dogs, he kept them in his room
I was sad to see him go, but those dogs! Completely mad!
I'm glad that I knew Richy
You should have seen him in a kilt!
What a sight! him and Fesoj standing at the church
I was sad to see him go,but oh! Check those legs!
I'm glad that I knew Richy
Oh yes our Nicknames
Richy was Dinger! Jose was Fesoj! and me just plain old uncle Bert!
I'm sad to say our Dingers gone away!
I'm glad that I knew Richy
I'm sad he's gone away, I saw him in a dream one night
Standing in a field
My mum appeared  and took his hand and walked into the light!
I'm glad that I knew Richy.

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