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Poems by Bob Beveridge
Can't Stop The Flow

I kneel beside him, a stranger barely contious
Blood ouses from his body across the cold ground
Three holes in his back seap whilst from his groin flows a claret stream
I don't have enough hands, can't stop the flow
I put my hand in the hole and grip tightly
The blood tide slows, God I hope it stops
He mumbles, the light reflects of his strangely translucent teeth
I put my ear to his mouth but all he can do is sigh
My grip loosens, the blood seeps through my fingers
I grip harder, I need a medic
Hold on, Hold on, look at me, talk to me, god please stop the flow
Minutes pass as hours, Get me help
Figures appear, get a stretcher, get a line in
The more goes in the more comes out
My mind hums 'There's a hole in my bucket'
Can't wait anymore! lets move!
             I can;t let go! Can't stop the flow
On the run!
             I can't let go! Can't stop the flow
In the transport
             I can't let go! Can't stop the flow
In the hospital!
             I finally let go! Can't stop the flow
Clothes cut away, as a life ebbs away and forever etched in my mind
              I can't stop the flow!

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