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The Bard of Banff
This Circle of Stones

I stand on this hill,
here all alone,
but I sense a presence,
at ‘This Circle of Stones’.

Is it just the wind blowing?
Or the fact that I’m here on my own,
or is it something more mysterious,
coming from ‘This Circle of Stones’.

Many people have passed away here
and been cremated on this very hill,
I feel a strange sensation and a chill the air,
is there something here still?

The Picts made this circle,
1,000’s of years ago,
what exactly went on here?
I guess we’ll never truly know!

Stanley Bruce
10th May 2004.

Loanhead of Daviot Recumbent Stone Circle

Culvie Stone Circle         NJ 583549

Rothiemay Recumbent Stone Circle    NJ 551487

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