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The Bard of Banff
Electric Scotland For Me!

is the website for me,
its fair Chock-a-block’,
with Scottish facts and history.

There’s poem and stories,
from Writers and many an aspiring ‘Bard’,
there’s even a page,
where you can send a ‘Scotcard’.

There’s Castles, Stone Circles,
Museums and historic places,
the whole of the Scottish culture,
this website embraces.

They bring you the Scottish news
and they call it ‘The Flag’
and there’s info on the Clans and Tartans,
this websites got it in the bag!

So if you’re going to Scotland,
for a wee holiday,
there’s everything on the site you need,
for planning and enjoying your stay.

So check it out before you travel,
find out about our food and our drink,
we call that ‘Haggis’ and ‘Whisky’,
anything else can go down the sink!

Even if you can’t visit Scotland,
you can still enjoy the site,
you can see the great places of ‘Caledonia’,
24 hours, day and night.

To finish in Doric:

Michty me, I dinna ken,
o ony ither site tae beat it,
wi sick a helluva lot o stuff,
it’ll nae be defeated!

Stanley Bruce
Alias the ‘Bard of Banff’
12th May 2004.

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