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The Bard of Banff
Dedication and Talent

He’s all psyched up
and as time is drawing near,
he begins to experience
the tension and the fear.

With butterflies in his stomach
and the adrenalin pumping,
he walks down to the hall
and the whole place is jumping.

As he enters the ring,
to the theme tune of ‘Rocky’,
he looks at his opponent,
who’s smiling and looking quite cocky.

The place is packed
and the crowds looking for a good show,
all he can think about
is striking the first blow.

He throws the first punch,
with confidence and style,
and follows with many more 
and he’s wiped away his smile.

He’s out classed his foe
and wins the fight,
‘Dedication and Talent’,
has won on the night!

Stanley Bruce
Alias the Bard of Banff

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