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The Bard of Banff
Update on what Stan is up to at August 2005

Just a wee note to let you know about my latest venture 'The Bard O' The Broch 2006 Calendar'
Have to keep the theme going!
Got 150 of these printed last week and even though it's only August amazingly I've only got 20 left.
70 off these are being sold by the Fraserburgh Disabled Club, to raise funds, so I've even done my wee
bit for charity.  I will need to get some more printed out for their fund raiser in September.
Here's the front page and a month so you can see the format.
PS the Banff and Boats photograph exhibition is now on display at Macduff library, where next?
John Trails bookshop have taken the last of 'The Bard O' The Broch'  books, so that's the 500 of them all away.
400 of the Banff book gone, still have 100 left.
So the Bard O' The Broch is the leader.
Bard O' Buchan book currently too big may need to split into two separate books, hoping to publish in November.

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