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The Bard of Banff
Banff Castle

Banff Castle

Banff Castle sits in seven acres
and was once a royal stronghold,
the Ogilvies and the Earl of Buchan
both owned it, until it was sold. 

Visited by King Edward I of England
in 1296 and again in 1298,
he defeated Wallace at Falkirk
before entering the castle’s gate.

It was bought by Lord Deskford
an Ogilvie in 1722,
then the old castle was demolished
and a new one John Adam drew.

A mansion built in 1750,
is as it stands today,
it’s a fine family residence,
over looking the Deveron bay.

It has a charity shop
and a putting green,
it plays host to the occasional Fete
and ballet classes if your keen.

It’s gates were once,
the Duff House east gates,
and with the lottery grant,
the castle looks just great.

Stanley Bruce
12th December 2003.

NB:  John Adam was the son of William Adam who was the architect of Duff House

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