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The Bard of the Broch
The Battle O’ Bannockburn (24 June 1314)

As Alexander Fraser and his men,
march boldly south,
news of a great gathering o’ the clans,
spreads from mouth to mouth.

Stirling castle lay in siege,
and the English army was on its way,
Bruce had been gathering this army,
since the middle of May.

Fraser joins the army,
with the English only two days away
and camps with his men,
aside the Earl o’ Moray.

The Black Douglas was there,
Randolph and ‘Walter the Stewart’ too,
even the Marischal Sir Robert Keith,
who was calmly admiring the view.

Many of these Scots,
had been fighting for seven years,
they were armed with axes, swords
and iron tipped spears.

Robert the Bruce and his brother Edward,
were camped at the end of the glen,
but occasionally wandered around the camp,
lifting the spirits o’ the men.

On the morning of the battle,
Bruce makes his address,
although there were thousands there,
you could not hear a breath.

“We stand here united,
where many of our forefathers have died,
they will be looking down on us today,
and their souls will be fighting by your side”.

“I would rather die,
right here on this field today,
than watch the people of Scotland,
suffer another day”.

“So lift your swords
and fight by my side,
free our country forever
and do it with pride”.

So the battle was fought
and history made,
the Scots trounced the English
and our future was laid.


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