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The Bard of the Broch
The Harbour O' Faithlie

The lighthouses ‘Leading light’,
on a dark and stormy night,
to the fishers o' the Broch,
fit a wonderful sight.

A lighthouse atop o’ Kinnaird castle,
since 1787,
without it I'm sure there'd be,
a good few more fishers up in heaven.

Guided by this great light,
flashing bright and regularly,
their seamanship brings them safely hame,
to 'The harbour o' Faithlie'.

Relieved to be sheltered,
from the rages o' the sea,
they have safe refuge in the harbour,
'The harbour o' Faithlie'.

Now in the 21st century,
technology has advanced tremendously,
even in thick dense fog,
the fishers can find 'The harbour o' Faithlie'.

But no more do the fishers sail,
guided by the ‘Northern Star’,
no more do they need to listen for the foghorn,
when sailing through the haar.

Each boat now has a radar,
call it electronic wizardry,
they no more need the guiding light,
to sail hame to ‘The harbour o’ Faithlie’.

Stanley Bruce

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