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The Bard of Banff
Duff House

A Walk from Duff House to the Bridge of Alvah.

Departing from Duff house,
in the spot where the Earl’s of Fife once stood,
we’ll wander through the Fife gates
and into ‘Wrack Wood’.

Not far along the track,
an old ‘Ice House’ you can see,
it was Duff House’s refrigerator,
but now it’s history.

A little bit further,
a ‘Mausoleum’ you will find,
built by the 2nd Earl in 1790,
and has an old monument behind.

This Gothic style building,
was originally built with no wood,
it used to have stained glass windows,
and elegantly it stood.

But the original roof did leak
and in the 19th Century they did tile,
but its still a wonderful building,
with character and style.

The Burial vault is underground,
21 coffins it does contain,
including the 1st Earl and the Countess,
who the 2nd Earl brought home.

Two miles away,
is the most beautiful scenic spot,
it’s called the ‘Bridge of Alvah’
and I’m sure you’ll like it a lot!

This single arched bridge,
was built in 1772,
it stands about 40 feet high,
a crossing over the Deveron for you. 

On the other side,
is the ‘Montcoffer Wood’,
you can follow the track further,
to Macduff if your in the mood.

Stanley Bruce.
8th January 2004

The rear of the mausoleum

Bridge of Alvah

Duff House

Fife Gates

The Ice House

The Mausoleum

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