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The Bard of Banff
Remembered in Stone?

I gaze at this huge ‘Burial Cairn’,
to the memory of many, many souls?
Bodies covered with stones,
no graves with 6 feet deep holes.

Each stone I think of as an ancient tombstone,
but no carvings do they display,
to me the carving is unimportant,
what is important, is that it still stands to this day.

There is all over Scotland,
many an old graveyard with headstones hundreds of years old,
they too one day may look like this cairn,
if we don’t protect from the wind, the rain and the cold.

For if we do not preserve them,
part of our history will gradually fade away,
the headstones will be unreadable,
broken and in disarray.

So when I look at this cairn,
I imagine a much earlier time
and think of how it would have been,
with no church and no bell to chime.

The ‘Memsie Round Cairn’ has survived,
for over 3700 years,
built by our forefathers the ‘Beaker folk’,
and to them I say ‘Thank you and cheers’.

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