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The Bard of Banff
Poppy Day

11th November 1918,
marked the end of world war one,
but for those who make poppies,
their job had just begun.

Every year poppies are made,
in Canada and the UK,
they are made by disabled ex-servicemen,
especially for Remembrance Day.

They get them ready for that day,
that Sunday in November,
for those who lost their lives,
this is the time to remember.

The BB’s, Air Cadets, Salvation Army,
Scouts, Guides and the Legion too,
these groups will march,
whether skies are grey or blue.

These groups will march
and bands will play,
and wreaths of poppies,
at memorials they will lay.

So when you buy your Poppy,
remember what it is for,
to help the families,
who lost loved ones in the War.

Knowes War Memorial Macduff  built in 1920. (Octagonal). Macduff Parish Church is on the right with the town of Banff in the background.

This poem is dedicated to the workers of the Lady Haig Poppy Factory in Edinburgh who have made Poppies since 1921 and to all of our brave countrymen and women who have tragically lost their lives in times of war.

Portsoy war memorial - I like the statue of the soldier.

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