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The Bard of Banff
The King O’ The Haggis Makers.

In the village of Fochabers,
there is a ‘Wee Shoppe’,
it’s owned by ‘The King O’ The Haggis Makers’
and his recipe many would like to copy.

His name is Cruickshank
and he is a ‘World Class Champion’,
‘The King O’ The Haggis Makers’,
right here in the heart of Grampian.

The ‘Haggis’ they are illusive,
but his ‘Haggis Catcher’ does hunt them down,
catching them for the King
and selling them for a couple o’ pound.

Catching a Haggis is quite an art,
and a Kilt the ‘Haggis Catcher’ does wear,
he plays the secret notes on his Bagpipes,
that drives them out of their lair.

His Haggis is so popular,
that each year 70 tonnes he does make,
folk from around these parts,
they prefer it to a bit o’ steak.

He makes puddings too
and his ‘White’ is the best,
in fact it’s truly amazing,
you’ve got to put it to the test!

Stanley Bruce.
21st May 2004.

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