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The Bard of Banff
Our Old Scottish Ginger Tom

I have a Ginger Tom
and his name is Sam,
even though he's massive,
he's as gentle as a Lamb.

I got him from the Cats Protection,
his life they did save,
when he first came he was a bit wild,
but he’s now learned to behave.

He's got a massive head
and tiny little ears,
he loves to lie in bed
and every snore he hears!

If he could speak,
I wonder, what would he say,
would he ask me for some ear muffs,
to make the noise go away.

He has a little pal,
who has also come to stay,
she's only here for a wee while,
its a ‘Feline holiday’.

His pal is a little lady,
she's quite a ‘Regular Vamp’,
he acts very uninterested,
he thinks she's a bit of a tramp.

So he's not only gentle,
he's past it too,
he's a bit like my husband,
what's a girl to do?

Stanley Bruce / Margaret McKenzie
24th February 2004.

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