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Dad, My Father, Our Friend
By Stanley Bruce

Stanley Bruce Snr.

Click here to hear this poem being read by Stan

You think your Dad, will be around forever,
Because, all of your life, he’s always been there,
You think your family, will always be together,
But, in reality, life isn’t fair.

Time passes, slow but sure,
Days, weeks, years, slip by,
The end of life, appears obscure,
But, before you know it, you’re wearing a black tie.

And, here we are, our respects we give,
To my father, our friend, who has passed away,
How I wish, he was still alive,
And I wasn’t standing, up here today.

How I wish, we could, do it all again,
How I wish, life had no end,
And how I wish, he hadn’t suffered any pain,
And was still with us, my father, our friend.

We will all miss you Dad,
We will never forget you,
At times we’ll be down, at times we’ll be sad,
But our memories of you, will get us through.

So, to friendship,
For, we are not anything without it,
On your Heavenly trip,
Dad, never doubt it.

We’ll remember the good times,
We’ll remember the happy days back then,
So, it’s not goodbye from us,
It’s “Au Revoir”, until we meet again.

Stanley Bruce.

Dedicated to my father, Stanley Bruce Snr. who passed away 27 October 2022 of cancer.

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