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The Avondale Poets
Alison Elizabeth McLachlan - Crowe

Poem for Mary

Mary nee Read Crowe (1943 - 2003) was the beloved wife
of Ian Harold McLachlan - Crowe,  hence the sister-in-law of the writer

Mary wed Ian in 1963
Mary wed Ian in 1963

The gentle girl I first met & knew
Has gone from this Earth to Heaven's View.

When I first met this vision sweet
To us she came with sweetheart to greet.

The more we met, our understanding grew
'Til appreciation was set among us few.
Mary once said with warm smiles anew
You're my good friend & my sister too.

Golden crowned head & heart "good as gold",
With gentle manner, she was glad sight to behold.
Beauty around her she was wishing to see.
Ugliness displeasing to her but it had of course to be.

Youthfully confidently dancing on trim, light pointing toe,
Eager & warm, wistfully smiling,  ever shyly aglow.
Soft-tinted dresses were always borne in style of elegant grace
Were enhancing the brilliance of her attractive adorable face.

Mary Crowe in NZ in 1967
Mary Crowe in NZ in 1967

Mary chose positions where work was with people, there to carry & care.
For those, in house, home or hospital, with tenderness, certainly aware.
This young lady worked again, where people skils were seen to be had
As carer for trees & shrubs, she cheered plants that were gloomy & sad.

Another work job where  "people skills" expertise was needed to the fore
Shown in "art of selling" where keen ability opened many a closing door.
In days of youth Mary demonstrated many talents using with great zest.
Whatever role or task, be mighty or lowly, Mary diligently gave her best.

In early marriage days Mary was composing many an interesting tale
Writing regularly picturesque epistle. Letters sent on time without fail.
Informative missives to loved ones, she earnestly thought & wrote.
Scenes in startling & enlivening vocabulary Mary compared to the poet.

Imaginative artwork she presented either water colour or rich oily paint.
Landscapes celebrated speciality, scenery produced vividly & not faint.
"Still Life", other favoured art genre where artistic ability could be seen.
Mary was a drawer & painter of merit. She began when a girl in her teen.

She crotchetted bright woollen blanket-rugs with busy dexterous hands .
She knitted & sewed cosy garments, often edged with colourful bands.
While she crotchetted, knitted or sewed she gave willing listening ear.
Mary sympathetically heeded people whether happy or shedding a tear.

Mary with elder son David Crowe in NZ in 1967
Mary with elder son David Crowe in NZ in 1967

During courtship,  driving their own motor car was best superlative fun.
Joyful journey into countryside or CBD city enjoyed 'til daylight was done.
First motor vehicles were "Holden" variety, panelvan then station sedan,
Which did not matter, only two's time together, the loving woman & man.

Mary, lover of summer, revelled in roaming over warm golden sands.
At times the lovers made future plans, caressing with love in their hands.
In earlier days of meeting made many trips to beach, rock pool & shore.
Sadly such times now are finished. These outings can't happen anymore.

Wanda Beach south past Cronulla, favoured golden place under the sun.
Mary, with fond sweetheart,  in abandon would laugh, walk & jog & run.
At times they sat by riverside, marvelling at ancient mountains so high.
In youth, eternally confident, believing earthly life reached e'er the sky.

Thank you dear Mary for beloved memories, forever bless-ed & grand.
'Twas my pleasure to know & love you in Australia, our wonderful land.

The gentle girl I first met & knew
Has gone from this Earth to Heaven's View.

Mary with second son Derryn Andrew Crowe @ Tahmoor NSW in early spring 1970
Mary with second son Derryn Andrew Crowe @ Tahmoor NSW in early spring 1970

- Alison Elizabeth McLachlan - Crowe

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