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The Avondale Poets
Ian Harold Crowe

Ian Harold Crowe  (1942 -  2004)  was born @ Hurstville, a suburb of Sydney, NSW, Australia. He was another great grandson of  "McLachlan of Avondale"  in Australia.

Ian was the only surviving son of Phoebe Mabel McLachlan (1898 - 1975),  who married Harold Crowe @ Paddington,  a suburb of Sydney NSW,  in 1933.

Ian was a particularly gifted person with words, but also he was talented in music & art. The following contribution is only a  "taste"  of his writing prowess. More of his work will be added within - "The Avondale Poets" slot, at a later date.

Ian and Mary in 1962

Hearts of Heroes

Young children and wild boys also
Man who has a fable to tell ...
Then, when you and I are finished full well
My heart I give to you.

We will read of regal heroes rare
And summon our spirits to hear
Pleading of passion to care
That hurts our hearts so dear.

We also read of robbers who ...
Once in the wild wood where eagles chased the winds
In the valley could hear the hearts of heroes too
Once they would have been heroes if they could.

Ian Harold Crowe, Tahmoor, NSW 1987

Life's  Eventide

When we are old and together
You and I ... 

We will walk together again
You and I ...

And talk together again
You and I ...

And we will be young again,
Together ...  you and I. 

Ian Harold McLachlan - Crowe wed Mary Joyce Read in 1963


“Funerals are sad. ... Why don’t they put the fun back in funerals.”

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