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The Avondale Poets
Tribute to  - Alice Jean McLachlan

Robyn  nee Maunder Henderson  is daughter of  Alice Joyce  (known as - Joyce)  nee Rixon Maunder   1919 - 1996 granddaughter of  Alice Jean nee McLachlan Rixon  1880 - 1967 great granddaughter of  Daniel McLachlan  1852 -1917 great great granddaughter of  "McLachlan of Avondale"  in AUSTRALIA   since  1850.

Alice Jean McLachlan

Alice Jean McLachlan  born 1880 Saumarez Ponds Uralla NSW
Alice Jean McLachlan born 1880 Saumarez Ponds Uralla NSW

This is a Tribute to  - Alice Jean McLachlan 1880 - 1967, daughter of  Daniel McLachlan  1852 - 1917, granddaughter of  "McLachlan of Avondale" in AUSTRALIA  since 1850.

My early memories  of my grandmother are ones of awe,  wonder & fascination, as I watched her dress & go about ther daily life.

Alice Jean McLachlan  wed Fred Rixon in 1904 Hillgrove NSW
Alice Jean McLachlan wed Fred Rixon in 1904 Hillgrove NSW

I remember looking at her endlessly crotchet & learned myself as I leant on her knee. I watched that flashing hook & saw the rise & fall of the yarn through her fingers.

In appearance,  Grandma was short, round, well-corsetted & wore black leather shoes. Her hair was grey & held in a soft bun. She wore round glasses & had a dimple which appeared & disappeared in her soft cheeks.

Alice Jean  nee McLachlan Rixon  three eld children Glenroy Duri NSW circa 1915 pre-death Dan McLachlan born 1852
Alice Jean nee McLachlan Rixon three eld children Glenroy Duri NSW circa 1915 pre-death Dan McLachlan born 1852

Her instructions were issued strongly & precisely as would be done by a military corps officer as she bustled about.  These instructions were uttered in the most articulate of speech. 

She was a disciplined person totally family oriented, frugal yet generous,  & very zealous for the well-being of her family.  She loved having visitors & always treated them as honoured guests.

Alice Jean  nee McLachlan Rixon eldest children - Dan McLachlan -uncle @ centre  abt 1920
Alice Jean nee McLachlan Rixon eldest children - Dan McLachlan -uncle @ centre abt 1920

Blessed with a vivid imagination, she tended to believe what she wanted to believe. If displeased it was conveyed by THAT LOOK,  rather than words. At times she could be overbearing,  which,  in turn,  meant that her relatives did not always TELL  ALL.

Always grateful for any gift,  & passionately fond of all fruit,  Grandma especially enjoyed over-ripe bananas.

Alice Jean McLachlan  Rixon  at her home  Glenroy  Duri NSW  abt  1940
Alice Jean McLachlan Rixon at her home Glenroy Duri NSW abt 1940

Grandma delighted in the prowess of the MALE members. While loving the females,  she was a woman of her time,  who believed women were always to  LOOK AFTER  the men.

She was overjoyed when her youngest son, Alan,  achieved  tertiary honours.  Nevertheless she thought the world of all her children.  Any & all achievments & progress always gave her much delight.

Alice Jean  nee McLachan  Rixon  with her youngest son Alan at graduation Sydney University 4 June 1949 also dau Ida Marion Rixon
Alice Jean nee McLachan Rixon with her youngest son Alan at graduation Sydney University 4 June 1949 also dau Ida Marion Rixon

She kept in touch with her extended family all her life remembering every birthday.  Even as her eyesight failed & the words tipped downhill because she could not see the guide lines, she continued to write to those of her family who lived away.

Alice Jean nee McLachlan -  her 6th child &   4th dau  Joyce nee Rixon  Maunder with  six  of her seven  daus  photo abt 1990
Alice Jean nee McLachlan - her 6th child & 4th dau Joyce nee Rixon Maunder with six of her seven daus photo abt 1990

Grandma's prayers were uttered ardently for & with others.   She would commonly bless grandchildren to such an extent that one was later heard to exclaim  "Grandma said grace all over my head."

In a nutshell,  she was a matriarch,  a  thrifty, generous,  strong-willed & Godly woman.

Alice Jean nee McLachlan Rixon descendants -  writer of Trib to her  Robyn nee Maunder Henderson with husb & 5 chn in 1998 in Qld
Alice Jean nee McLachlan Rixon descendants - writer of Trib to her Robyn nee Maunder Henderson with husb & 5 chn in 1998 in Qld

written by - Robyn   nee Maunder   Henderson
during  2002   @         in south east Queensland  AUSTRALIA

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