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International Anthem for Scotland’s Scattered Sons and Daughters
by Fhiona Sine MacGhilleRuadh

As so many of us are multi-generation and removed from the auld sod, it is sometimes hard to express our sentiments, but this song seems to do an adequate job...


(Sung to the tune of Scotland the Brave. Can be sung in the traditional tempo, or as a slow air. The author suggests doing the first verse and chorus as a slow air, acappello, and the rest of the piece at the traditional tempo with pipes and drums accompanying)


Hush! Hush! The pipes are calling

Now when the twilight’s falling

Though we are far from our ancestors’ lands

Our hearts are Highland still

Our souls go where we will

We are Highlanders wherever we stand.



Proud of our heritage

Scotland from age to age

Strongly and proudly may our people stand!

Our blood still runs strong

To you our hearts belong

A Scot is a Scot

No matter  where the land.


Nations can’t match the claim

Of wild Scotland’s shining name

Her sons and her daughters are spread far and wide

Through sword, war and famine cruel

Her foes have been proved the fool

There’s millions on millions filled with strong Gaelic pride



No matter what the nation

Countless of generations

Learn our traditions, our tales and our songs

Although our blood’s not pure

Of one thing we’re very sure

The Highlands and Islands are where our hearts belong


Hark! Hark! The pipes are calling

Down from the mountains falling,

Across the prairies and down to the sea!

We feel the Highland songs

In our hearts still beating strong

That’s where our souls belong, Scotland The Brave.



Proud of our heritage

Scotland from age to age

Strong, proud and free, may our people stand!

Our blood still runs strong

To you our hearts belong

A Scot is a Scot

No matter where the land.


(sung slower)

A Scot is a Scot 

No matter where the land. 


Copyright Fhiona Sine MacGhilleRuadh 2003

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