Come around one and all
Have you heard the story?
The story of a nation
Covered in glory?
This nation was attacked one day
By a junta that rules only a few days
In a bid to become popular and to preserve their power
They attacked a people of a lesser power.
That lesser power was to prove too big
For a junta soon to be "sick as a pig"
They really should have known better
For that lesser power was far greater.
This nation was advised to accept defeat
By Wedgewood Benn and Jean Kilpatrick
Go to Hell! Said this nation
We'll show you how to defend freedom.
They sent a great task force
Over eight thousand miles
Fully equiped to fight the Argies
Way down there in the South Alantic.
What kind of men went into battle?
Just ordinary men with a special mission
Average age was just nineteen
But oh what a sight to be seen.
They faced daunting conditions
They faced terrible odds
Modern warfare in all its disguises
Were thrown at them from all horizons.
Ships were lost and men too
But they fought on through and through
Through mountainous waves and crashing seas
They fought on for you and me.
Land conditions were no better
But here they fared very much better
They fought and won many great battles
And ended up with the Falkland Islands.
This nation served freedom well
Do we have the courage to do as well?
For the moral of this story is clear
Free men are the ones to fear.
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