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Poetry by Alastair McIntyre
Photograph Album

Memories are a precious thing
To which most of us tend to cling
The older we get the tighter we cling
And who's to say it's not a bad thing.

Remember the snap shots locked away?
Get them out without delay
Bring them out in the light of day
And remember if it were yesterday.

The snap shots of great gran and grandpa lee
Black and white and formal they be
Yes that's the way it used to be
Before the day of you and me.

But wait! Who is that there?
Yes, that one sitting on the chair
You must recognise her by the hair
No. I don't know. I was not there.

Let this timely reminder bring
A determination to avoid this thing
Make sure that you document everything
While some still have memories to which they cling.

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