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Poetry by Alastair McIntyre
Problems and Trouble

Problems, problems, nothing but problems
Why do they always happen to me?
Trouble, trouble, nothing but trouble
Why does it always happen to me?

Every day I strive and struggle
To overcome more problems and trouble
Every night I toss and turn
Reliving all my problems and trouble.

Problems and trouble, problems and trouble
All my life seems to be spend on this
Problems and trouble are my daily bread
How on earth can I give it a miss.

Answer, dig a big hole, six feet by four
Make sure the sides are as steep as can be
Jump right in and bury me deep
But wait! Who can I get to bury me?

Problems, problems, nothing but problems
Why do they always happen to me?
Trouble, trouble, nothing but trouble,
Why does it always happen to me?

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