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Poetry by Alastair McIntyre
Madness Averted

I want to get out of here!
I want to get out of here!!
I want to get out of here!!!
I want to get out of my mind!

My mind is full of doubts and fear
It's full of fantasies and aspirations
It's full of a lot of mixed up feelings
I want to get out of my mind.

My mind is full of jelousy and hate
It's full of greed and false desires
It's full of things like sex and violence
I want to get out of my mind.

My mind is full of religous thoughts
It's full of all things good and evil
It's full of things like love and kindness
I want to get out of my mind.

My mind is full of logical thinking
It's full of empathy for my fellow man
It's full of things like justice and virtue
I want to get out of my mind.

My mind is just like anyone elses
Full of impressions from life around us
It's also full of good common sense
My mind is my own and I'm staying in it.

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