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Poetry by Alastair McIntyre

Learning is a marvelous thing
Broadens horizons and helps understanding
Aids conversation by making it interesting
and improves your knowledge and your thinking.

Why is it then that we don't learn more
By way of classroom education lore
It's not that we don't want to learn
It's the exam results we fear to learn.

You see, we attend classes all the year
And study hard for the exams we fear
We burn up the midnight oil
Trying to make sense of all our toil.

After all those hours of studying
We've increased our understanding
We are now put to that final test
Have we really done our very best.

You may pass, on improved understanding
You may pass, on increased knowledge
You may also pass the art of conversation
But you can still fail the act of examination.

Now learning is still a marvelous thing
Despite exam results and what they bring
Do your best to find a cure
Either way you're a pass for sure.

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