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Poems of Ken F. Adamson
The Voice

  The Voice

The crooning on the wireless came when I was a child
then forever in my heart the voice was tenderly filed!
As my youth grew a need for the voice grew with me,
caressing my soul where only devotion could ever be! 

When first I fell in love so the voice gave love a grace,
escorting us in melody to our secret honeymoon place. 
It echoed my great joy when news of a new birth came
then shared in the process in finding our girl a name!

My child spent her teething with the voice in her ear,
and as Winter's eerie wind blew took away her fear!
It numbed my pain on parting when nobody could win
reminding me, if a family splits, there's no greater sin!

The voice slowed my blood as my heart oozed with ache
stitching together the cracks, lest they snap and break!
It brought me back to sanity when true love was found, 
Confirming it would be better the second time around!

Today it doesn't matter what I'm feeling deep inside 
the crooning will be there, to help my blues subside!
Though the legend never dies no life has any choice,
the body for the voice is dead, long live the voice!



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