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Poems of Ken F. Adamson
After The Cease Fire

After The Cease Fire

Can a true Christian stay the hand of justice
and condemn the need for vengeance?
When mistakenly in God's name people die
and families call "An eye for an eye"!

While the survivors fight off each assassin 
and Christians preach faith within,
Could a preacher and a vengeful Father
identify the evil and come together?

To fight the hidden men who follow the devil
that fed The Third Reich leader's evil!
A task which modern politics cannot convey
and no dimension of words can portray!

After the end of those evil men, though not all
after Westminster's long cease fire call,
Scavengers slyly appear wearing virulent faces
the devils in Ireland's "Master Races"!

Then when a law's long armed sentence justly falls 
and stills grief stricken families vengeful calls.
A Government's leaders backward roll and bow 
for an untrustworthy double cease fire vow! 

Today no true Celtic justice can ever be redeemed
in what London politicians smugly dreamed!
Blind to the horned animals hidden in lambs fleece
now leering murderers are given early release!

Has justice gone when an assassin walks the street
and there his victim's suffering family meet?
Can that family's hopes and heads remain high 
as a condemned killer freely saunters by?

Yet again, from Omagh's rubble of senseless death
comes new life, giving hope fresh breath!
Mankind holds Spring's birth in annual reverence
so a child is born, with no religious preference!



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