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Aspirations and Desires
By Bill Smith

Somewhere in the human soul there dwells
The desire to be more than we already are.
We aspire to greatness though such may be
Buried deeply in the id.

To be famous (or infamous, as the case may be)
Haunts our dreams, and teases us, yet we
See it not for what it is. The worry and doubt
Follow us like shadows.

Most people never know that, deep inside,
A small voice calls us to do more than we have.
Many people belittle the efforts of others,
Out of envy, never trying.

The effort may be slight, but is never made.
To some, the fame is thrust upon them by events,
Not of their own choosing, and the fame is
Not of the sort that they seek.

The world will not seek you out and crown you
With laurels unless you make an effort. None
Can do it for you; there is no easy way.
Many have tried this and failed.

Yet in the mind and soul there lives
A spark that, if fanned, will grow brighter.
When this spark grows, it will become a flame,
Shining light upon you and your works.

December, 2004

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