One thing particularly striking is the business way in
which the finances of the Queen's Park Club were carefully conserved and
developed. From the very beginning, the accounts, small as they were, had to
be duly audited before being presented to the members in annual meeting
assembled—at first by members of the club appointed for the purpose, and
afterwards by a firm of chartered accountants. The sums to be dealt with
grew in extent, involving large amounts, especially after Hampden Park was
acquired in 1873, and it soon became evident that the treasurers would
require assistance. In 1877-78 Mr. James Baillie, who succeeded Mr. Andrew
Spiers as treasurer, was given Mr. Hugh Wylie as assistant, and from that
date until the present the office has been a joint one, and many able men
have filled these positions—men who, when the club grew in importance and
undertook serious financial responsibilities, provided ways and means of
meeting the liabilities of the club, with the assistance of a strong finance
committee, as this was a department of the club management on which devolved
success or failure. There is no such word as "failure" in the history of the
Queen's Park. Its greatest undertakings have always been brought to a
successful issue. The committee looked far ahead, and carefully weighed the
pros and cons of each movement before deciding to make the plunge. This
foresight and provident care have saved it on several occasions from
embarking on schemes which were doubtful and dangerous. The purse was never
strained, and great patience ever exercised, when a serious step was
proposed. If the risk did not give a definite prospect of a favourable
issue, and the wherewithal was not in hand, or likely to be provided, then
action was wisely delayed. The only revenue at the start, and for half a
dozen years thereafter, was the entrance fees and annual subscriptions of
the members—1s. and 6d. for one year, then 2s. 6d. and 2s.
respectively—so . that the revenues of the Queen's Park, now amounting to
thousands of pounds per annum, had a very humble beginning indeed. At the
end of the first year's trading the sum of 4s. 3d. was due the treasurer;
the income and expenditure are not given. The second year, even with an
enhanced subscription, ended with a deficit of 12s. 8d.— income, £3 9s. 8d.;
expenditure, £4 2s. 4d. The minutes contain the information at the end of
season 1869-70: "From the report submitted by the treasurer, the club
financially was in a very satisfactory condition," with only 4s. to the
good—with an income for the year of £6 3s. 11d.
As early
as 28th October, 1870, it was resolved, 'That a tabular statement of the
funds of the club be submitted by the treasurer at each committee meeting."
This rule is followed to this date, and an audited statement is submitted
every month to the general committee of the club. Great financial progress
made the treasurer's statement to the committee, 29th November, 1870, look
much more satisfactory, the 4s. being turned into a credit balance of £2 6s.
2d.—entry money and subscriptions, the only revenue, yielding £7 15s. 6d.;
expenditure, £3 9s. 4d., in which is an item of £2 for the Hamilton
Gymnasium match, the expenses of which in this case appear to have been
borne by the club, as such entertainments were afterwards when the income
allowed it. As a matter of fact, only 2s. 2d. was left of the balance, £2
4s. being taken into account as representing "stock" in guernseys and cowls.
Even at this early stage "assets" were brought into the accounts. The funds
were growing, and new members joining, no fewer than twenty-eight having
been enrolled during the year 1870-71. Nine old members who had not paid
were struck off.. This was a point on which the club has ever been
particular— no "dead-heads" are retained on the roll to swell the
membership. At the instigation of Mr. H. N. Smith, the committee, 25th
April, 1871, unanimously agreed to raise the subscription to 5s., and
abolish the entry money, "as a means of establishing the club on a good
footing financially, as the present subscription was inadequate to meet the
outlays, it being necessary to make extra calls on the members throughout
the year for expenses incurred at matches, etc." These expenses had amounted
to £1 14s. 6d. that season;. but a credit balance of £3 11s. 4d. remained
from a total income of £11 9s., which was satisfactory. We are approaching
now what might be called the introduction of the Queen's Park to
International football, which commenced in season 1871-72. It was in that
season the club joined the Football Association, subscribed £1 1s. to the
English Cup, and played the Wanderers in London in the semi-final tie for
that trophy, crossing the Border for the first time. No wonder ways and
means had to be carefully considered. Assistance came from its supporters,
while inside the committee a difference of opinion existed, some fearing
that devoting the available funds of the club to such a purpose would make a
bad precedent. The members were too full of the project, and the motion was
carried, and £6 out of a total income of £18 10s. 4d. went that way. The
voluntary subscriptions which paid the balance of cost to London are not
brought into the account. A credit balance of 9s. 9d. remained to the good
that season. After the game, in which the Queen's Park team astonished the
Englishmen by their skill, all were enthusiastic, Mr. A. Rae, the hon.
secretary, submitting to the annual general meeting, April, 1872, a
panegyric on the achievements of the team in this great match. The income
from the more famous first International between Scotland and England, at
Partick, in November, 1872, is kept apart from the general account of the
club. At that match the receipts were £102 19s. 6d., and the expenditure £69
l1s. 6d., leaving a balance of £33 1s. 8d., which was set aside by the club
as an International fund. Of this balance, £32 was used to send the Queen's
Park contingent to play the second International in London, March, 1873. The
club funds, apart from the proceeds of the Partick International, amounted
in 1872-73 to £23 3s. 9d., and the balance on the year's working £3 12s.
11d. The financial success of the game at Partick impressed the Queen's
Park, and raised anticipations of brighter times in store, had the club only
a ground of its own. It had to pay £20 for the use of Hamilton Crescent
ground. No football club had a private ground. Club subscriptions were a
poor source of revenue, and the members, as already seen, had to dole out
further sums for match expenses, etc., as the Queen's Park began that spirit
of hospitality in its earliest days which has ever characterised it, and the
club to-day in this respect follows the traditions handed down to it from
generation to generation. A private ground meant money, and money had to be
expended in its formation. The committee, once the idea propounded, after
some searching, the particulars of which will be found elsewhere, had
Hampden Park in working order, and opened with a Scottish Cup tie, 25th
October, 1873, in the first season of the Scottish Football Association, and
of the competition. Now the figures in the income, and also in the other
column, swell. The £100 is at once exceeded, and the Queen's Park entered
upon a series of years of plenty, commensurate with its success in the
football field. Its membership did not amount to more than seventy in
1873-74, but its clientele was legion, and with its widespread fame came
financial prosperity. Improvements were effected in Hampden Park, a more
convenient pavilion purchased and erected, and generally, the appearance of
the new ground was quite in keeping with the reputation and standing of the
club. The balances in hand were not hoarded, nor were they lavishly
expended. The managers of those days had passed through the school of
experience, and knew what the lack of funds meant to a rising and ambitious
football club. The second year of the occupancy of Hampden Park saw an
income of £319 0s. 11d. and a profit on working of £72 2s. 6d. The following
season this satisfactory state of matters continued, the receipts being more
than doubled—£781 1s. 6d. income, and balance in hand £264 16s. At this
annual general meeting, April, 1876, on the motion of Mr. W. M'Kinnon, the
subscription was fixed at 5s. and the entry fee 10s. On 23rd August, 1876,
offers for the erection of a grand stand were considered, and an offer to do
the work for £237 11s. 7d. accepted. This was the first stand put up on an
Association ground in Scotland. In connection with this outlay, the club
granted a bill at three months from 19th October, 1876, for £200, to meet
the balance due the contractors—the only bill the club ever accepted during
the whole of its career. The thousand pounds income (£1,005 7s. 4d.) in
1876-77 enabled the club to meet this bill, and improve the ground further
by extending the gates and enclosures, leaving a balance on hand of £50 4s.
2d. Now for the first time in the balance sheet are given the assets of the
club—"net estate" they are designated —which amounted to £323 15s. 2d.,
which advanced year by year. At the end of season 1881-82, just before
second Hampden Park began to be thought of, this "net estate" reached £772
8s. 4d., and is not given again until quite recent years. In this same
account the profit amounted to £424 13s. 8½d. Note
the "bawbee." In that season the club had a record income of £1,802 18s. 11½d.
At the annual general meeting of 1883 the subscription was fixed at 10s.,
with 5s. entry money, and the club roll limited to 400. These details are
given in order to show the gradual increase in the prosperity of the club,
and the careful way in which surplus profits were expended, always in the
improvement of the ground, and the general advancement of amateur football
and athletics. The standard the club set was a high one. Occasionally
references are made throughout the minutes that certain matters had not been
up to "Queen's Park form." That "form" was the best, and nothing less
satisfied the club. The venture of creating second Hampden Park on a new and
improved principle turned out a good speculation, as on returning from
Titwood Park, where the club had temporary quarters while their own ground
was being prepared and completed, at the commencement of the season in 18S4,
it met with even greater support than before, due probably to the fact that
the team that represented the club in the field at this period was perhaps
one of the greatest and most effective in its history. At the end of that
season the receipts were £2,304 2s. 7d., with only £3 0s. 3d. left in the
till; and the following season, 1885-86, with the income £470 more, the
balance was only £2 5s. 8d. But the club had its new ground, one of the best
of its kind, and, what is more, it was paid for to the last cent;—and there
were good times coming. Increasing in public favour, the game attracted
large crowds. The number of first-class clubs continued to increase, and
consequently competition became keener, and thus excitement was maintained;
and the Queen's Park, by the excellence of its play and the high ideals
always before it, held the premier position in the football world, on the
field, and in public favour, its honesty of purpose being its chief asset.
Hampden Park became, and for that matter is still, the Mecca of football, as
new, or third Hampden, is unsurpassed anywhere in the excellence of its
appointments and conveniences. As has been said, prosperity attended the
club to a greater degree than ever in its new quarters. In the third season
after shifting quarters to improved Hampden (1886-87), the balance of £2 odd
was raised to £5 19s., and the drawings for the season provided a
record—£2,821 17s. In 1887-88 the stand had a roof put to it, the first
Association football stand in Scotland to have a cover to shelter the
spectators. In the years immediately following money flowed in, until at the
conclusion of season 1888-89 the receipts aggregated £4,331 18s. 3d. The
club now took the opportunity to add a storey to the pavilion, increase the
terracing, improve the track, and bring the ground up to date, always
remembering that "the recreation and amusement of the members" must be the
first consideration. This was money well spent, and after meeting all
liabilities the treasurer had still £278 8s. 11d. in hand. Half-net
gates was remitted to Vale of Leven and Dumbarton clubs, as a mark of
sympathy with them in their financial difficulties. Balances continued to
grow, until Mr. James Lawrence, the treasurer, was able to announce to the
annual general meeting in May, 1893, that all financial records had gone by
the board, the receipts for the past season totalling £5,006 12s. 9d., and
for the first time the balance to the good had exceeded the thousand pounds,
the actual figures being £1,002 12s. 74. It must here be remembered that the
Scottish League had now been three years in operation, which makes this
record the more remarkable, all the best clubs not being available as
opponents to the Queen's Park, except in Scottish and Glasgow Cup ties, and
occasional games with League clubs as vacant dates offered. Gates had now,
however, to be divided, following the League system. This, of course, cut
both ways, and the Queen's Park was not always the greatest giver, except
when games were decided in provincial districts. Despite these
disadvantages, the financial aspect continued to improve, until the 1896-97
balance showed a new record of £2,051 6s. 2d. to the credit of the
club-receipts, £5,740 4s. 6d. This was a period of great prosperity both in
a financial and playing sense, though in the latter respect the opposition
did not furnish the best material. Season 1897-98 left a balance of £2,657
9s. l1d., that of 1898-99 £3,908 17s. 5d., and £4,758 18s. 3d. in 1899-1900,
the receipts for these three years being respectively £6,399, £8,837, and
£8,565. At this point two important crises were reached in the history of
the club—namely, admission to the Scottish League in 1900-01, and the
commencement of that great undertaking, the construction of a new and
greater Hampden Park, at Mount Florida, in the same season. With nearly five
thousand pounds in hand, and the prospect of increased gates in better
company, this was no reckless step. The management saw their way clear to a
successful issue. Every possible expense was calculated beforehand, and it
was determined to carry on the work gradually, there being no immediate
hurry, as the lease of second Hampden held good until at least 1903. Still,
no time had to be lost, and the work was pushed on. The finances were duly
provided. Mr. Gordon, of Aitkenhead, took a bond for £6,000 as part payment
for the ground, which still exists, and is the only debt now remaining on
Hampden Park. Were it not for the Avar, this bond would have been cleared
off, so great is the recuperative power of the club. The ground cost in all
£20,645. Up to March, 1917, £15,437 had been written off for depreciation.
In addition the grand stands had been completed, and a handsome pavilion
begun in season 1913-14, supplied with all modern conveniences, and finished
for the commencement of season 1914-15. This pavilion was erected at a
further cost of £8,000. Hampden Park was now equipped to the last detail.
The financing of this great scheme caused the club much anxiety. With such a
capable senior treasurer as Mr. John Liddell, ably assisted by Mr. Tom
Robertson, all financing difficulties in this respect were successfully
overcome. Many influential members of the club came to its rescue, many
other members paid several years' subscriptions in advance, and the banks
gave facilities which were much appreciated. The directors were able to
announce to the annual general meeting in March, 1910, that the overdraft
given by the bank had been completely cleared off, and there stood to the
credit of the club's bank account a sum of £91 14s. 1d. Practically all the
accounts due in respect of the season's working had been paid up to date,
and the club was in a position to discharge all liabilities forthwith, with
the exception of the bond. The directors' report adds: "Now that the club is
in a stronger position than at any previous time in its history, the
committee are of opinion that the members may safely consider the
advisability of proceeding with the provision of pavilion and clubhouse
accommodation more in keeping with Hampden Park than that presently
existing." That pavilion was in its place in 1914, and is unquestionably the
best of its kind, and the most suitable in purpose, of any such erection
possessed by any football, cricket, or athletic club in the United Kingdom.
Somehow funds always increased when necessity arose. With the debts all paid
before 1911, the credit balances increased with the accumulated savings, and
the pavilion became a fact, though once or twice during the war small debit
balances had to be recorded.
While the Scottish Football Association, in its wisdom,
preferred Celtic Park to Hampden Park in 1904 for the International between
England and Scotland, that important match, when since played at home, has
come to Hampden. Park, because no other ground in the Northern Kingdom is
capable of holding the enormous crowds which flock to witness the test match
of the season. As with Scotland, so with England, where the Crystal Palace
practically monopolised this International in alternate years when played in
England. Since 1906 records in the matter of attendance have been common,
and these games are a considerable source of revenue to the club, which also
benefits largely by final Scottish and Glasgow Cup ties. These usually have
their venue on Hampden Park, as the best and most suitable enclosure for
such important games.
The ambition of the directors to have the club free of
debt in its jubilee year, though somewhat hampered by the war and the
consequent reduction in drawings, has met with its reward, and the treasurer
was able to report to the annual general meeting in May, 1918, that the
Queen's. Park Football Club, by careful management and strict economy, had
cleared off every liability (excepting the bond), having £938 on the right
side, and stood before the world a. living example of what combined effort,
enthusiasm, and economy, coupled with business capacity, can achieve,
notwithstanding many difficulties and anxieties. Its struggles are over, its
position seems assured, and its future is in the hands of its members.
Newest Hampden Park holds the record for the largest
attendance at a football match. The International, Scotland versus England,
at that enclosure, 4th April, 1908, attracted 121,452 persons. Total
receipts, £6,762 10s. This was surpassed four years later (1912), when the
International was again played on Hampden Park, 127,307 spectators
witnessing the game—which constitutes a record that has never been
surpassed. Total receipts, £6,997 15s. At the final tie for the English Cup,
at the Crystal Palace, 19th April, 1913, the attendance was given as
120,000, and the gate at £9,406 9s., Aston Villa and Sunderland being the
clubs, though these Palace records are doubtful, as it is
difficult to differentiate between visitors to the Palace and those who came
solely to witness the football. On 4th April, 1914, the attendance reached
101,512 at Hampden Park. The gates were closed to prevent overcrowding. This
figure may be taken as the actual number of people inside the ground who
paid, with no guess-work as to those who were admitted by ticket, and on
official duty.