Abercrombie, Maj. Gen
Aberdeen (Aberdien), Alexander (Philadelphia)
Adair, Alexander (Philadelphia)
Adair, Thomas (Dublin)
Agnew, Henry, (New York City)
Allcock, Joseph (New York City)
Ambros, (New York City)
Amherst, Jeffery, General in Chief British Forces
Amherst, William, Col. 78th Reg.
Appy, John (Judge advocate of HM)
Archibald, D. (Belfast)
Askin and Gordon, (suppliers to Rogers Rangers - Crown Point)
Askin and Rogers, (Albany and Michlimackinac)
Askin, John (sutler to Independent Companies)
Ayers, Timothy (tailor of Belfast)
Bace, Benjamin
Bagley, Col (Mass Bay Provincial Regt)
Baker, Kilby & Baker, (Army contract Victuallers, London and Boston)
Baker, Richard (Army Contractor, London)
Baker, Sir William (Army Contractor - London)
Bamford, William (Lt. 35th Reg of Foot)
Barron, Andrew (sutler to Train of Artillery)
Barron, John (mentioned)
Barter (Bator), sgt. 44th Reg of Foot
Baugh (Beaugh), Thomas Lt 55th Regt.
Bayard (Byard), William Col. (Mercahnt of New York City)
Beaver (Bever), Samuel, Lt. Col 46th Regt
Beckwith, John, Major 44th Regt
Beekman, Gerard G., (Merchant of New York City)
Beekman, James, (Mercant of New York City)
Bellfore, ?, Ensign 27th Reg of Foot, officer of Rangers
Belsher (Balsher), Fredrick, Lt. of 35th Regt of Foot
Benson and Turner, Merchants of Albany
Benson, William, Mercahnt of Albany
Bernard (Bernerds), John or Jarrod, Farrier Merchant, Boston
Berry (Barry), Thomas, Capt of a sloop
Best, Edward, Sutler to Independent companies of Rangers
Blair (Blare), Thomas, Doctor
Bligh, Thomas, Lt. Gen
Bolden, Sgt. 60th Regiment of Foot
Booth, Benjamin, Mercahnt of New York City
Bostwick, Henry , Merchant of Albany
Bouguet, Henry, Lt. Col 60th Reg. of Foot
Bowden (Bodwen, Bodwin), Thomas, Ensign 46th Reg of Foot
Bower (Bowier), ?, Capt. 48th Reg of Foot
Bracket, Anthony, Tevern-Keeper of Boston
Braddock, Edward, Mj Gen,
Bradstreet, John, Lt. Col 60th Reg of Foot,
Bradt (Bratt), Bernardus, Capt Albany Co. Miltitia
Brahm, Dietrich de., Lt 60th Reg of Foot
Broden (Bredin), Alexander, Capt 55th Reg of Foot
Brehm, Dietrich, Lt. of 60th Reg of Foot, Military Engineer
Brewer, David, Lt. Independent Companies of Rangers
Brinkerhoff, Dirck, Merchant and Alderman of New York City
Brown, John, lt 60th Reg of Foot, New York Independent Co.
Browning, John, Major, 46th Reg of Foot
Bruce, William, clerk at Hyde and Hamilton, Mancester England
Bulkeley, Charles, Capt. Independent Co. of Rangers
Burgoyne, John Maj Gen
Burton, Ralph, Lt. Col. 48th Reg of Foot
Butler, Pierce, Ens 46th Reg of Foot