He would be a bold man who would state who was the
first Scot who went to Russia. The statement, however, has been ventured
on by Dr. J. Hamel in his book England and Russia, [Translated into
English by John Studdy Leigh, F.R.G.S., in 1854. It is very difficult to
follow, but still remains the best book on the subject.] and he says that
‘Master David,’ a Scot, Herald to the King of Denmark, was envoy from his
master, King John, to the Grand Prince Vassili Ivanovitch, of Muscovy, in
1495. His name is commonly given as ‘Geraldus,’ the russification of his
office of ‘Herald,’ but it seems to have been Kocken, Kocker, or perhaps
Cock. He was probably sent to Russia with the Danish embassy in 1492, to
induce the Grand Prince to seize Sweden and its dependency, Finland, in
return for which the King of Denmark promised to assist Russia against
Lithuania, and he returned thither the next year. He again returned in
1505 with a letter addressed to the Grand Prince, but found that the
Prince had died in October; so he either remained, or was forced to remain
until 1507, when new envoys had reached the new Grand Prince from Denmark,
and returned with them. He seems to have been a man of mark and a trusty
messenger, and he is mentioned in the letter of alliance sent by the new
Tsar, Ivan Vassilievitch, to ‘our brother John, King of Dacia (Denmark?)
Sweden and Norway’ dated at Moscow.
In the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries Scottish
merchants spread in hordes all over Prussia and Poland [A book on ‘Scots
in Poland,’ edited by Miss Beatrice Basker-ville, is promised by the
Scottish History Society.] as traders, but few as yet seem, unless by
chance, to have gone further East.
In the reign of Ivan Vassilievitch the English spirit
of adventure which had formed ‘The Society for the Discovery of Unknown
Lands’ first thought of Russia as a field for exploration. A Russian
Company was formed (it employed many people with curiously
Scottish-sounding names like Logan, Gordon, Brighouse, etc.) which traded
at Rose Island, Kholmogory on the White Sea, and later had an ‘English
house’ in the Varvarka at Moscow; but the real settlement of the Scots in
Russia, which was involuntary, and yet left a great mark on the history of
Russia, was quite distinct from this body.
Ivan the Terrible had some definite idea that the way
Russia had been cut off from the rest of Europe by the Tartar invasion and
long subjugation had done harm. No Russian till his father’s time (the
Danish embassy) had been allowed to leave Russia, and it was only fear of
internecine war that made him seek that friendship with England that is so
curious in history. One of his ambassadors was wrecked on the coast of
Scotland, Ossip Gregorievitch Nepeja, who with a suite of sixteen persons
had been sent in 1556 as envoy to Philip and Mary in the ‘Edward
Bonaventure.’ It was near Pitsligo Bay the wreck took place, and all the
Tsar's presents were lost, with the English captain, Richard Chancellor,
his son and seven Russians of the ambassador’s suite. Robert Best,
interpreter to the embassy, escaped with the ambassador. The unfortunate
refugees left Edinburgh, whither they had had a ‘Talmatsch’' (tolmach) or
‘speachman’ (i.e. interpreter) sent to them from London, on 14th February,
1557, with but a few trifles saved from their wreck, to begin their
embassy so long hindered. This embassy was followed by others to Queen
Elizabeth, who sent Randolph, Jenkinson, and Daniel Silvester to Russia;
and by his ambassadors, Pissemski and Andrei Gregorievitch Savin, while he
granted privileges to the English, the Tsar showed two curious definite
desires. First, in the event of his long-suffering subjects putting an end
to his reign, that he wished a safe residence in England; and, secondly,
that he wished for an English wife, the Queen if possible, and afterwards
(though he had just married his seventh wife, Maria Feodorovna Nagoi) the
Queen’s kinswoman, Lady Mary Hastings, as his bride.[This appears to have
been suggested to the Tsar by his physician, Dr. Bomel (educated at
Cambridge), whom he so cruelly put to death. The idea was again suggested
by one Aegidius Crow.]
Queen Elizabeth, as her habit was, promised much but
did little. To the Tsar’s remonstrance about the ‘bad conduct’ of her
subjects, she replied that the wrongdoers were probably Scots, who had
strayed over the Russian border from Poland or Sweden, and so beyond her
jurisdiction. She sent a physician, Dr. Robert Jacob, who favoured the
English match; and the result was that a Russian ambassador, Feodor
Andreevitch Pissemski, was sent to London. He returned with an English
ambassador, Sir Jerome Bowes, who was well received, and succeeded
(through the help of Jerome Horsey, an English agent) in getting exclusive
privileges for the English merchants when the Tsar suddenly died, leaving
the Tsardom to his son, the mild and feeble Feodor Ivanovitch, and the
power in the hands of the latter’s able and rather unscrupulous
brother-in-law, Boris Feodorovitch Godounoff.
He rose rapidly, and was named ‘Prince Protector,’ and
proved himself the friend of foreign ways. Bowes, who had been maltreated
on Ivan’s death, was allowed to return home. Sir Jerome Horsey went back
to Russia as ambassador in 1585, and wrote an admirable account of his
travels; so did Giles Fletcher. [Captain Thomas Ogilvy, burgess of Dundee,
was denounced for not appearing before the Privy Council of Scotland, 29th
Dec., 1595), to answer to a charge of having intromitted with the goods of
a Danzig ship, the property of the Duke of Florence. Among the cargo was a
barrel of books, ‘all of ane historie anent the descriptioun of the
cuntreis of Polonia, Moscovia, Prussia & utheris adjacent, to the noumer
of xxxix.’- Register of the Privy Council of Scotland, vol. v. p.251.]
The English house in the Varvarka prospered exceedingly
in spite of double dealing on every side and ‘interloping’ Englishmen. The
Tsar died in 1598, and Boris Godounoff was elected to succeed him. In 1600
he sent an ambassador, Gregory Ivanovitch Mikulin, to Queen Elizabeth to
cement the friendly understanding. It is interesting to find that he was
visited in London by the Scottish ambassador (whose master, James VI.,
became King of England as James I. on Elizabeth's death, three years
later), the Earl of Bothwell. He tried to arrange another ‘English match’
for the new Tsarevitch, Feodor Borissovitch, On Queen Elizabeth’s death
James I. dispatched another mission to Russia, and obtained benefits for
the merchants, but these were vitiated by the Tsar Boris’s death and the
Time of the Troubles. The first Romanoff Tsar did, however, find the
English of use. They lent him money when he was bankrupt, and it was owing
to the intercession of the ambassador of James I. and VI., John Merrick,
who went to Moscow in 1614, that Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden, in 1617,
gave up Novgorod, Roussa and Ladoga to Russia, while retaining the
maritime conquests in the Baltic. This was a great gain to Russia, yet the
English merchants did not receive privileges of sufficient value, owing to
the opposition of the Russian traders. They continued, however, to have
some success until the news of the execution of their King, Charles I.,
reached the Tsar Aleksei Michaelovitch, when that stalwart supporter of
Royalty forbade them to exercise trade in his realm except at Kholmogory
on the White Sea, and banished them from the rest of his dominions. He
repaid his obligations to the Stuarts also by sending aid to King Charles
II. during his long pauperstricken exile in Holland. |