Dr. Robert Moodie is a son of
the late Dr. A. L. Moodie, for many years a medical practitioner in Stirling,
and grandson of the Rev. Robert Moodie, D.D., for half a century parish
minister of Clackmannan. Dr. Moodie was born in Stirlingin 1845, and was
educated at the High School, of whivh he was duxe in 1860. After in Arts he
studied medicine in Edinburgh, and graduated M.B., C.M. in 1869. He was
afterwards resident physician at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, and later was
house surgeon in the Edinburgh Maternity Hospital for six months. Dr. Moodic
then went abroad and studied special subjects in Vienna. On returning to
this country in 1873, he obtained by competition an apointment as surgeon in
the Indian Army, which he held till 1880. He was through the Afghan
Campaign, and has the Afghan War medal. On his returning from abroad. Dr.
Moodie settled in practice in Stirling. In 1881 he obtained the degree of
M.D. from Edinburgh University, being awarded the gold medal for his
graduation thesis. In the same year he obtained a diploma in Public Health
from the University of Cambridge, and in the following year the degree of
Bachelor of Science in Public Health was conferred upon him by the
University of Edinburgh. In 1897, owing to failing health. Dr. Moodic
retired from his Stirling practice, with the view of recruiting his strength
