"I fear the Greeks even when they bring
gifts" has its modern equivalent, I fear the English especially when
they boast of their subsidies".
It is easy to prove from economic data that a small
country with three different races, no raw materials but water, composed
mostly of barren mountains must be poor and unstable. The only thing that
prevents the conclusion being accurate is the character of the Swiss.
Some Frenchman has said that there are three roads to
bankruptcy, "women the pleasantest, gambling the quickest, following
the advice of experts the most certain." Following the advice of
economic experts is not only the quickest but the most unpleasant.
This is not an expression of contempt for money but a
proper appreciation of its value.
Can we afford self-government?
Projects cancelled before completed £250,000,000
including Blue Streak £84,000,000 and swift fighter aircraft £22,000,000.
The total sum spent by the Tories during their thirteen
years in office on defence schemes which were just as valuable for defence
as the Queen’s Bodyguard of’ Archers was.
One thousand and six million pounds of which we would
not have paid one penny under a Scottish Government. It was simply due to
the Englishman’s illusion of imperial greatness (typified by Sir Cyril
Malta has sworn more money for the English naval base there. If we are
really depending on the begging howl as the Tories say, how much do the
Americans and their English vassals owe us for the nuclear bases in the
Holy Loch and the Gareloch? Why should Scottish money be used in Malta for
such a purpose? Why are we always the bribers and never the blushing
bribed? (The Tories were in power from ’51 to ’64 – Ed.)