I was for seven years one of their many members because I believed it
the duty of the missionary to associate with the most unenlightened of the
The Labour Party was founded in Glasgow in Wellington Street in a
tearoom demolished to make way for the Alhambra Theatre. Its first
President was Cunningham Graham later President of the National Party. Its
first Secretary was another Scottish Nationalist, Keir Hardie. History has
decided that its birthplace should be its place of death.
Royalty is inconsistent with Socialism, which opposes a class system.
Why are the Labourites so determined to maintain the UK? Simply because
they are anti-Socialists.
The Wilson Government refuse to sell arms to South Africa in case they
are used to kill Africans.
They are selling then to the Nigerian Government who are using them to
kill Africans.
Obviously they do not believe in racial equality.
No government has been so unfortunate as a victim of cruel fate. It is
in charge of a disintegrating country and a declining economy. Any
decision it takes must be unpopular because there is no popular solution.
By the next General Election the Ministers of the Government will be
transported by Securicor.
The Prime Minister’s biggest mistake was in accepting office.
DOCKERS SUPPORT ENOCH POWELL! The old party system based on class
distinctions has disappeared. Divisions are now vertical not horizontal.
Labour and Tory belong to the era of gas lamps, hansom cabs and hobble
The vitality of a movement is largely dependent upon the diligence of
its opposition.
That is what we most lack.
None of the early Socialists foresaw the day when the Labour Government
would compel capitalists to violate agreements guaranteeing their
employees an increase in wages.
The function of the Labour Government is to induce the working class to
accept legislation against which they would revolt if proposed by a Tory
Government. (8 July 1967)
The function of the Tory is to oppose every desirable change till it
becomes inevitable, then to adopt it and claim that it was his original
When the Secretary of State for Scotland (at that time, Mr Arthur
Woodburn) suggested that Scottish Nationalism might lead to bomb throwing,
a shudder went through the Scottish Members of Parliament frantically
looking for a spine to run up.
One MP described this last remark as UnChristian. In reply I pointed
out that I had not stated that the frantic search had been finally in
Gilbert’s saying: "Everv little boy or girl that’s born into
this world alive is either a little Liberal or else a little
Conservative" requires some addition in order to be modernised,
"But if he never sees the light
He's born a little Labourite"
It is an honourable tradition in the fighting services of many
countries that an officer who has failed in his responsibilities commits
suicide. If such a tradition was applied to England’s political life,
there would be mass graves of bankers and an annual General Election.
In England, however, the perfect solution has been discovered - there
is the House of Lords.
THE POOR LIBERALS! They have seen a half-truth and
mistaken it for the whole. Some people have supported their devolution
plan on the ground that half a loaf is better than no bread. But is half a
watch better than no watch? Government which is a form of machinery
resembles less the first comparison than the second.
THE TORIES are trying to prove that the credit of
Britain is being undermined, its trade sabotaged and its reputation
dishonoured by the present Government. They also maintain that it is to
Scotland’s obvious advantage to remain part of a country whose trade is
being sabotaged, whose credit is being destroyed and whose reputation is
being dishonoured by a Government which is one of the consequences of the
Union with England.
The liberals are now going to leave the Scottish "Government"
without control of finance. Which means it will be allowed to talk, as if
we did not have enough blethers already. We are going to he in the
economic grip of a ruling caste who have ruined every country they have
ever governed and have made an appalling mess of their own finances.
These are the men of straw whose only value is that they show which way the
wind is blowing.
"Tory" comes from the Gaelic word meaning "one who is
pursued" and was originally applied to the Irish landowner robbed of
his possessions by the Planters. It came to mean "a mounted
It is therefore not applicable to Conservatives, who no longer travel
on horseback.
Sir William MacEwan Younger, the boss of the Unionist Party, has been
advising the Scots to forget "the begging bowl mentality". Who
created that mentality? The Tory Party, of which he is the spokesman, with
its argument that Scotland exists only because of English generosity.
No man ever becomes a slave until he hugs his chains and believes - as
his gaolers have taught him - that he would feel cold without them.
"Even I - Regained my freedom with a sigh," said Bonnivard who,
after years in a dungeon for his fight for freedom, had been reduced to
the mentality of a member of the Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party.
"A party dominated by second-class brewers and
company promoters, a casino capitalism, is not likely to represent
anything but itself." Such was the description of the Tory Party
given by Harold MacMillan in 1936.
The trouble from which the Tory Party is still
suffering is the fact that it was once led by Churchill who hated and
despised it and by MacMillan who despised it too mutch to hate it.
You may have noticed "the company promoters"
who oppose us and the ranks of brewers, led by George Younger, MP, and Sir
William MacEwan Younger. "The makers of Scottish beer, the cup that
inebriates but does not cheer."
Mr Harold Wilson is expected to make an important ministerial statement
in confidence and secrecy at a private meeting of Labour MPs. In this way
he will achieve maximum publicity.
We are going to be rich with more money for booze, fags, horses and
bingo. And our new Jerusalem will be as torn with feuds as the old one in
Mankind is at its best when life is a hard, though not an unsuccessful
struggle. Poverty and Prosperity constitute an equal menace.
Having led his Party to disaster in the last General Election, Mr
Harold Wilson (husband of the well-known poetess, Mary of that ilk) packed
his bags and left for a lecture tour of the USA. His subject was