The phrase "Perfidious
Albion" may be countered by the South American oath "On the word
of an Englishman ". There is, however, no contradiction. The French
were drawing on their experience of the English politician, while the
South Americans had known — thanks to the Monroe Doctrine - only the
English business man.
The British Empire had its most glorious years under
George the Third who died insane, under the premiership of William Pitt
who died insane and through the brilliant leadership of Robert Clive who
died insane.
Some clergymen writing in the "Glasgow
Herald" has described as UnBritish the sacking of teachers who refuse
to register. Has he never read British history?
An Empire based on piracy and slavery, the horrors of
the Industrial Revolution, wars with the Chinese to secure the opium
trade, the judicial murder of Wilson, Baird and Hardie, massacres from
Drogheda to Amritsar, the Black and Tans, Cumberland, Judge Jeffreys and
Lord Braxfield! What a record! (To say anything British is evil is a
similar exaggeration in the opposite direction).
The British have never recoiled from any crime
disguised thinly by a veil of hypocrisy as in the Suez failure under the
unlamented Tories such as Alex. Douglas-Home and Anthony Eden.
When Ghandi was asked "What do yon think of
British Culture?" he replied, "I think it is a very good
Why has crime risen in this island? The answer is
simple. There is now no Empire. So the Warren Hastings of today rob banks
instead of old nabobs and the Cecil Rhodes cosh old ladies instead of
machine gunning the Matabele. |