WITHIN the last
ninety years most important additions have been made to the
documentary evidence readily available for a complete History of
Glasgow. In 1843 the Maitland Club published the entire extant
Registrum Episcopatus Glasguensis containing the charters of the
bishopric from the twelfth century till the middle of the sixteenth.
Three years later the same club published the Liber Collegii Nostre
Domine, documents dealing with the affairs of the Church of St. Mary
and St. Anne, now the Tron Church, and Munimenta Fratrum
Predicatorum de Glasgu, the documents of the monastery of the
Dominicans or Friars Preachers in High Street. In 1854 it published
the muniments of the University, and in 1875 the Grampian Club,
under the name of Diocesan Registers, published a series of
Protocols of the Cathedral Chapter, of the years 1499 to 1513, and
the Rental Book of the Archbishops from 1509 to 1570. These
collections of documents furnished authentic and fairly complete
material for a history of the bishopric and city of Glasgow down to
the time of the Reformation. Twenty years later, in 1876, Sir James
Marwick, then Town Clerk, began publishing the Burgh Records, or
minutes of the Town Council, from the year 1573. Under the authority
of the Council itself the publication was supplemented by a series
of the protocols of the Town Clerks from 1530 till 1600. At the same
time Sir James published, in three quarto volumes, Charters and
Documents, the actual legal deeds upon which the material fortunes
of the city had been built. The civic records which were thus made
readily accessible provide detailed data of unquestionable kind for
a history of Glasgow from Reformation times downward.
On the rich store of facts contained in these publications Sir James
Marwick set to work, and in several compilations—an elaborate
introduction to Charters and Documents, The River Clyde and the
Clyde Burghs, and Early Glasgow—threw parts of the information into
narrative form. But Sir James died in 1908.
After that event the
publication of the Burgh Records was continued by Mr. Robert Renwick,
Town Clerk Depute and Keeper of the Register of Sasines, and
completed down to the year 1833, when the provisions of the Reform
Bill came into action, and the old Town Council of selected members
gave place to a new popularly elected body. The publication of the
records was finished in 1916. Shortly afterwards, in view of the
highly interesting and valuable information embedded in these old
minutes, Dr. Renwick (he had received the degree of LL.D. from
Glasgow University in 1915) was invited by the Town Council to
compile a comprehensive History of Glasgow. This invitation, though
he was then seventy-five years of age, he was persuaded to accept,
and forthwith set about the task. The work was planned to occupy
four volumes—(1) from the earliest times till the Reformation, (2)
from the Reformation till the Revolution; (3) from the Revolution
till the passing of the Reform Bill; (4) from the passing of the
Reform Bill till the present time.
Dr. Renwick had
completed the first volume of the History, and passed it for the
press, when he died, in 1920. The volume was published in that year
under the direction of Sir John Lindsay, the Town Clerk. The present
writer was then invited to continue the work. While warmly
appreciating the compliment, he pointed out that the enterprise
could only be undertaken in the intervals of a somewhat busy life.
This fact must now be cited to crave the indulgence of the reader
for the interval which has elapsed between the publication of the
first and second volumes.
The volume now
published covers a period which has been less exploited than perhaps
any other by writers who have dealt with the annals of Glasgow. It
was the period during which the country passed through the greatest
of its revolutions —the political and social upheaval which followed
the Reformation. It was the time of the greatest of our civil
wars—the struggle between Episcopacy and Presbyterianism. Its mighty
moving spirits were John Knox and Oliver Cromwell, the brilliant
Marquess of Montrose and the astute Marquess of Argyll. Covenanter
and Cavalier in turns held the reins of government, and in turns
worked their will upon the opposing faction. In all these exciting
movements the city of Glasgow played an outstanding part, and its
annals throw a vivid and often new and highly suggestive light upon
the history of Scotland of that time. Argyll's huge borrowings from
the Glasgow magistrates, still unrepaid; the vital effects upon the
fortunes of Montrose of his leniency to the city of which he was
personally a near neighbour; the experiment of Charles I in
"nationalising" the sea fisheries of the West of Scotland ; and a
score of other facts illuminated by these annals, all involved
issues worthy of more consideration than they have yet received from
In more purely
domestic annals also the Glasgow records of the period present a
highly interesting panorama. The change-over from ecclesiastical to
industrial means of livelihood; the transfer of Church lands and
revenues to the town; the rise of a medical profession; the
development of a musical tradition; the wise settlement of
differences between merchants and craftsmen—the "classes" and the
"masses" of that time; the experiments in bureaucratic control of
trade; the founding of one of the greatest charitable institutions
of Scotland; the building of a civic sea-port on the Firth of Clyde;
the methods of meeting national emergencies, and of providing for
the unemployed; the occurrence of great city fires, which, like that
of London in the same century, helped to wipe out an old order of
things and usher in a new ; these are matters of much more than
merely parochial interest.
The makers also of
the civic annals of the period were a succession of men of whom
enough has not hitherto been made. Every Glasgow citizen, of course,
knows the story of the capture of Dunbarton Castle by Captain Thomas
Crawford of Jordanhill ; but not everyone knows of the damning part
played by Crawford in bearing evidence against Mary Queen of Scots.
Everyone is acquainted also with that stout soldier of fortune,
Dugald Dalgety, in Scott's Legend of Montrose, but few are aware of
the intimate connection of his original, Sir James Turner, with the
Glasgow garrison and the old mansion in the Gorbals. It is time also
that more should be known about notable citizens like Colin Campbell
of Blythswood, who entertained Cromwell on his visit to the city;
Thomas Pettigrew who commanded part of the Glasgow contingent of
fighting men in James VI's raid against the Catholic earls of the
north after the defeat of the Spanish Armada, and who subsequently
showed such business acumen in securing a lease of the town's
revenue from burgess fees; George Porterfield, who commanded the
Glasgow forces in General Leslie's campaigns against Charles I, and
who afterwards became Covenanting provost of the city, and from his
exile in Holland sent home letters which implicated the Covenanters
in plans for a Dutch invasion: and John Spreull, the die-hard town
clerk, cousin of the Paisley "sufferer" known as Bass John, who
united to strong Covenanting convictions a singular legal shrewdness
and ability in holding fast to the emoluments of office against all
These and many other
elements of much more than passing moment or merely local interest
substantiate the claim of the period of Glasgow history which forms
the subject of the present volume to a greater measure of attention
than it has yet received.
In the production of
this volume a deep interest was taken by the late Sir John Lindsay,
Town Clerk, and a similar interest has been manifested by his
successor in office, Mr. David Stenhouse. To the indispensable
support of both of these gentlemen, in making the civic records
available for the work, and in making the necessary business
arrangements, the most grateful acknowledgments must be made. Warm
thanks are also due to Lady Mason and her brother, Mr. Alfred Mylne,
for the loan of contemporary letters, which throw interesting light
on noted characters of Glasgow in the seventeenth century.
GLASGOW, March 1931. |