THE very kind reception given to the First
Edition of this Work, by the unexpected rapidity of its sale, and the
highly favourable opinions of it by several of the best literary reviews
and competent authorities, gives good reason to hope the same may be
extended to the issue of a second Edition, which has been revised, and
very much enlarged by the opportunity afforded to the author, of giving
the reader what had been intended as a Supplement, namely a full
dissertation on the Gaelic Topography of Scotland, with ancient
historical and antiquarian information connected with it. The Gaelic
names of nearly five hundred places, which pervade every county in
Scotland, will be found noticed, and their significations in English are
fully given; no work, (that the writer knows), has yet appeared to give a
general view of the etymology of the Gaelic names of places in Scotland,
or to point out where each distinct class is found; therefore the author
has adopted an original plan, which he hopes may convey a full idea and
give much information on the subject; in this part of his undertaking he
has had the advantage of the kind criticism of two undoubted good Gaelic
scholars, namely, the Rev. D. M’Intyre, Kincardine, Ross-shire, (author of
two essays on the Gaelic language), and Mr H. Macdonald, Grandtully,
Perthshire, to both of whom his best thanks are due. Any small error that
may be supposed to exist in the course of this part of the present Work,
is to be attributed to the writer, who may have considered the point so
clear as not to require a reference.
To expose the fables that have been put forth
by ancient and modern writers, as history of the noble Caledonian Gael,
has been the chief reason to endeavour, by writing this Work, to remove
The author has nothing to recall from his
views as expressed in the first Edition, in noticing the works of those
who had given inaccurate statements of the ancient events, the people, and
country of ‘the Highlanders, or their language, which last is proved by
the topographical dissertation now added in this Edition, to be identical
with all the Gaelic names of places in Scotland.
The fictions propounded by the Scotch writers,
Fordun and Boece, as to the insignificant Irish colony that came into
Argyleshire in the sixth century, having been repeated, adopted, and even
exceeded by a recent authors a refutation became almost a necessity, that
the public should not be misled, or the truth obscured, by such fables as
a conquest of the kingdom of the Pictish Gael, by the paltry numbers of
the Irish Scots of Argyleshire, or that at the same period a new language
was brought in by them, while the whole topography given by the
Caledonians remained unchanged, as it does to this day. When King James I.
became monarch of Great Britain, the English historians did not
investigate his descent, nor when the Elector of Hanover became the
sovereign of this country, his pedigree was not searched into, or tried to
be made of a vast antiquity; likewise, who is the present heir apparent to
the throne of the British Empire? He is son, of a younger son, of a German
Duke of a very small territory, but whose genealogy is a matter of
complete indifference to the British nation; this was not the Scotch view,
the ancient and some modern writers think the Honour of the country
requires a vast antiquity, as belonging to the origin of the Scots, and
their insignificant Argyleshire rulers, who have been also by them so
ridiculously exalted. An example of the national fondness for the
marvellous, occurs in the belief by some, that the stone taken from
Scotland, and placed in Westminster Abbey by King Edward I., was that
which belonged to the Irish kings, and that it had been brought over by
that trifling number of emigrants of Irish Scots who arrived in the county
of Argyle in the sixth century; but as their rulers were for near a
hundred years after that, subordinate to the Irish Kings, this fact proves
they could not have been the possessors of their coronation stone; a late
writer has propounded a new theory, namely, that it was Columba who got
the Irish coronation stone, but where he got it, or when, we are not told:
nor any proper authority given whereby the conjecture might be considered
as at all possible of belief. Thus we see that those who adopt fabulous
views on early Scotch history, are obliged to invent mere conjectures to
help them out. This is only one half of the fable of how the pretended
Irish coronation stone came into possession of the petty rulers of
Argyleshire; the full version of the tale is, that the Scots, under the
leadership of the son of a king of Spain, brought it to Ireland, but that
they had originally obtained it in Egypt, and further, that it was the
identical stone that formed Jacob’s pillow, as mentioned in the 28th
chapter of Genesis. If this part of the history of the alleged Irish stone
is rejected, so may the whole of it, as impossible, or consistent with
history and probability; why Scotchmen should not be willing to believe
that the stone at Westminster Abbey is that of their own ancient
Caledonian Pictish kings, is very extraordinary, when it is considered
that to do so is consistent with all that history makes known of the
Pictish power, also with all probability; but on the other hand, the
claiming it to be the Irish stone, can only be accounted for by a desire
for what is marvellous, instead of sober truth; besides, there are other
grave suspicions as to this stone as spoken of elsewhere; we must believe
it to have been handed from one deadly set of enemies to another, namely,
from the Argyle— shire tribe of Kintyre to that of Lorn, and the latter
giving it again back to the former, as they were always at strife and
bloodshed with each other; again, the pretended stone, (which is called by
the Irish Liathfail) must have been lost to both of these tribes when the
Picts conquered the Irish Scots of Argyleshire, and a Pictish prince was
placed over them— altogether, as before said, it is most perfectly
agreeable and compatible with probability and history, that the stone at
Westminster was the ancient coronation stone of the Caledonian Pictish
kings. [It is an error to assert there is not a Gaelic name for this
stone, it will be, found in Dr Armstrong’s Gaelic Dictionary, ,namely,
‘Clach-na-Cineamhuinn,’ which also proves it was not Irish. Logan, in his
Scottish Gael, says, that it is of that kind of stone which is peculiar to
the neighbourhood of Dundee.] To make the local Gaelic names of places
most useful to the reader, a very full and complete index of every one
mentioned has been made out, so that any name, of which it may be wished
to learn the meaning, can at once be found; the names of everyone of the
principal mountains, etc., of Scotland, have been explained, they are as
monuments of the heroic Caledonians speaking to us in their language,
which is still that of their descendants, the Highlanders. A selection
from the communications and reviews on the Work is inserted, that the
reader may be assured that competent authority has passed on it a most
favourable judgment. A very large addition has been made to the
illustrations of the country of the Gael: they have been doubled in
number to what appeared in the first Edition, and exhibit most of the
finest scenery that composes the picturesque country of the Highlanders.
It was an omission in the last edition, not to have mentioned that the
majority of the views are given from Robson’s Sketches, (now a very rare
book), and which was a companion with the author in many distant lands,
and often served to remind him of his native hills. Among the
illustrations are views from photographs by Mr Wilson of Aberdeen, which,
with the several historical and antiquarian descriptions of them, it is
hoped may make them still more acceptable to the reader. The Map has also
had considerable additions made to it; the territory of the Pictish Gael
and Irish Scots distinguished; the height of the largest mountains has
also been inserted in it. The embellishment, showing the ancient national
dress, taken from very old sculptured stones, has been engraved and
inserted with the chapter treating of the costume of the Highlanders. An
additional conclusion has been given on the Gaelic topography, which
evinces how extensive must have been the early occupation of the whole of
Scotland by the Caledonian Gael, who designated, in their ancient
language, all the principal objects of nature
both in the south and north, and which for richness, beauty, and truth of
description can nowhere be surpassed in any country, and equalled in few.
The great number of genuine Gaelic names of places in Orkney and Shetland,
[The Rev. I. Taylor has fallen into an error in stating there are no Gaelic
names of places in Shetland, at page 178 of his work he says of it, ‘every
local name without exception is Norwegian,’ the writer has produced examples
in Shetland and Orkney, with the Gaelic root and test words ‘Dun,’ ‘layer,’
and ‘Ross’; in Orkney the lakes have the Gaelic prefix ‘Loch,’ the Druidical
circles there may also be justly considered as another proof of an
occupation by the Gaelic race, at a very remote period] as also those that
exist in parts which we know were inhabited in the south—west of Scotland by
Britons, undoubtedly prove the Gael had there preceded them, and even lead
to the conclusion that the British or Welsh occupation had only begun
therein with the invasion of the Romans, and under their protection.
Lastly, the writer hopes the whole proofs and facts herein given may be
acceptable to all readers, as being an effort to establish truth and remove
fable from the ancient history of his fellow countrymen, the Highlanders or
Gael of Alban, the true descendants of the valiant Caledonians, declared by
Tacitus in the earliest ages, to be ‘nobilissimi Britannarum,’ ‘the most
noble of the inhabitants of Britain.’
118 Princess Street, EDINBURGH,
5th July 1866. |