After finishing my apprenticeship in
Dunfermline, I got into Stewart & M'Donald's, Glasgow, and continued there
for some little time. This prosperous firm was then doing a very large
retail business (their premises being generally crowded every day), and
was just creeping into a wholesale one, although no hands were then
specially employed for this branch of their business. Mr. Stewart appeared
considerably older than Mr. M'Donald, but both were very active and
pushing—the latter particularly so. Mr. Hugh Fraser (who afterwards
commenced business in company with Mr. Arthur, under the firm of Arthur &
Fraser) was one of the principal hands in the establishment, and
frequently accompanied Mr. M'Donald to London, Paris, etc., and assisted
him in buying. Mr. Byars (who afterwards commenced business in company
with Mr. Mann and Mr. Simpson, under the firm of Mann, Simpson, & Byars—now
Mann, Byars, & Co.) was at the head of the counting-house; and Mr.
Archibald Crombie superintended the execution of all orders that were sent
in to the firm. Mr. James Dawson was 'shop-walker;' and Mr. Alexander
M'Donald, Mr. Alexander Miller, Mr. Robert Mason, Mr. Brown, Mr. M'Kechnie,
Mr. John Innis, and Mr. James Fairlie (of Mr. Girdwood's, Tanfield,
Edinburgh), had all charge of important departments.
At the same
time that Stewart & M'Donald were pushing such a prosperous business in
Buchanan Street, the old-established firm of J. & W. Campbell & Co. had a
large retail business in Candleriggs—in addition to their very extensive
wholesale one. George Smith & Sons, in London Street, and Wingate, Son, &
Co. in Queen Street, were then doing large wholesale businesses.
Mr. James Campbell (of J. & W.
Campbell- & Co.) was seldom seen in the warehouse, but Mr. William— who
was very active and pushing—was constantly moving about through the
wholesale departments of their large establishment, and was well known to,
and much respected by, every buyer who called. Mr. George Smith (of George
Smith & Sons)—although always superintending—left, at that time, the
active management of their extensive business to his two sons, who were
exceedingly shrewd, pushing business men. Mr. Brock was, for a very, long
period, one of their much- respected travellers, and was well known
throughout all Scotland.
Mr. Andrew Wingate (the senior partner of
Wingate, Son, & Co.) was a very worthy old gentleman, and greatly
respected in Glasgow. Mr. William Page (brother of Mr. John Page, Aba) was
for a considerable time shawl buyer for this firm, and in that capacity
regularly visited 'the hillfoots.' He was a very pushing business young
man, of 'a warm-hearted, genial disposition, and for a number of years
mixed a great deal with the society at the foot of the Ochils.
give an idea how much Glasgow has increased to the west since those days
(forty-four years ago), I may mention that Woodside Crescent was then just
newly built (if indeed it was quite finished); and
between it and the city there were brickworks and sawpits; and, being the
only crescent in that quarter, it was always spoken of as 'The Crescent.'
Woodlands House stood in the centre of the field which is now the grand
West End Park.
After leaving Glasgow, and the
prospect being at that time that the New Town of Dollar (as it was called)
would by and by become the most important part of the village, my father
resolved to build that house and shop at present owned and occupied by Mr.
Gibb (which were afterwards largely added to by my brother), and gave up
to my brother and me the clothing and drapery part of his business; and in
the end of the year 1839 the firm of J. & W. Gibson was started as a
drapery establishment, my father continuing the grocery and ironmongery
business in the Old Town.
Shortly after we
commenced business, we were asked to open a sub-branch, under Tillicoultry,
of the Edinburgh and Leith Bank, which continued for a number of years,
and ultimately became a branch by itself of the Edinburgh and Glasgow
Bank. This was the commencement of that banking business which my brother
has now carried on for so long a period, and for the last twenty-five
years in connection with the Clydesdale Bank.
CENTURY. The present generation can scarcely
form a proper idea of the many advantages they enjoy, as compared to the
state of matters forty years ago. Gas had not then been introduced into
any of the smaller villages of Scotland; and houses and shops had to be
content with the dim flicker of the tallow candle (paraffine oil not being
then known), requiring 'snuffing' or 'topping' every few minutes all the
night over. Now, we have not only gas—that most useful illuminator—but the
still more wonderful electric light, which as much casts gas into the
shade as gas did the tallow candle. The Dollar gas-work was started in
1845, and my brother was instrumental in getting it up, and for many years
took an active part in its management.
he and I commenced business, it was the days of dear postage (a letter to
Glasgow costing 7d., and one to London about is. 21); and in place of
sending our orders to Glasgow through the post office three times a day as
at present, we sent them once a week by Robert Young, the Leslie carrier,
who, with from eight to ten heavily-laden carts, made the journey from
Leslie to Glasgow, and vice versa, once a week, collecting and delivering
goods at all the little towns by the way. On reaching Glasgow, he opened
the parcel of letters, and delivered them to the different parties to whom
they were addressed. Now we have the 'one ounce' letter for a penny, and
the halfpenny post card, which have proved such an inestimable boon to the
country, and facilitated business to an extent that the present generation
can scarcely conceive of. And we are not content with this only, but must
have our orders and communications flashed through the electric wire with
lightning speed, and think less of the expense of a telegram now than we
used to do in days of old of a letter that took days for its journey by
the lumbering old mail coach.
The electric
telegraph is truly one of the greatest discoveries of the age, and will
for ever make the nineteenth century memorable. It really seems fabulous
that events that happened in America, and indeed in almost any part of the
world, yesterday, can be published in to-day's newspapers! Yet so it is;
for, scorning the dangers of the mighty depths of the ocean, the electric
current speeds along as quickly at the bottom of the great world of waters
as it does above ground, and binds the different nations of the earth
together as with a magic band.
On the 17th of
August 1858, the extremities of the first Atlantic cable were put in
connection with the recording instruments, and the following message was
flashed through the ocean: 'Europe and America are united by telegraph.
Glory to God in the highest; on earth peace, and good-will towards men.'
Electricity is now being largely used, also, as a
motive-power on short lines of railways, and for other purposes; and,
where water-power can be made available for generating the electricity, is
one of the cheapest motive-powers that has yet been discovered. The most
wonderful thing regarding it is that it can be stored, and made available
long after it has been generated.
Then we have
got recently introduced that most scientific discovery, the telephone, by
which we can talk to each other through a wire, when far separated from
one another; and thus business people save an immense amount of time and
shoe leather. Place one of our forefathers in some of the principal
streets of any of our great cities,—say at the Exchange, or in Queen
Street, Glasgow,—and make him look up, and what would be his surprise to
see a very network of wires stretching in all directions, and so close in
some places that the very birds will have some difficulty in flying
through them. Then what are all these for? How astonished would he be when
told, they were to enable the inhabitants of the great city, although
miles apart, to talk to each other through the telephone office, and thus
save an untold amount of time and running hither and thither to see each
other. But how wide would he open his eyes when told that not only can
this be done, but that talking goes on through It between places at great
distances from each other, and that business transactions between Glasgow
and Greenock are regularly carried on by means of it. The services of the
sanctuary, also, can be enjoyed by invalids in their beds, at great
distances away from church, through this great discovery; and our worthy
townsman, James Paton, Esq., Tillicoultry, has for the last twelvemonth
been indebted to it for hearing all the services in the U.P. Church; and a
whisper, or even a loud sigh, can be heard distinctly through it. The
singing of the choir, too, with all the different parts, is distinctly
heard. In an article published recently on
'Progress in Telephony,' some most interesting statements are given of the
rapid progress that has been made, and I think I cannot do better than
give a few extracts from it here. It says: 'No invention of modern times
took the public more by surprise than did the telephone, a result due not
more to the marvellousness of the thing done—namely, the transmission of
spoken words along a telegraph wire—than to the simplicity of the means by
which it was accomplished. Seldom, also, has an invention given rise so
soon to an important industry. Five years ago, the telephone was being
viewed by the savants of the British Association with the interest
attaching to the very latest novelty in scientific toys; it is now,
according to Mr. Preece of the Telegraph Department, employing in the
United Kingdom alone more than a million and a half sterling of capital,
and earning over £100,000 in dividends. The practical instrument of
to-day, however, differs considerably from the scientific toy patented
about six years ago by Professor Bell.' After describing the construction
of the instrument, and the various improvements made on it by different
scientific men, it continues: 'Conversation has been carried on by
telephone over a distance of 500 miles in India, and over 410 miles in
America; and Mr. Preece states that if a wire were placed on lofty poles,
and away from all other wires, between John-o'-Groat's and Land's End,
there would be no difficulty in speaking between those two places.
....Already the telephone exchange system is being worked in almost all
the principal cities and towns of Europe and America. Paris has its
central exchange, with nearly a thousand wires converging upon it, besides
several branch exchanges connected with the central one. The Parisians
avoid the unsightliness and danger of a great network of overground wires,
however, by placing the telephone wires in the sewers. Nowhere is the
system better organized than in Berlin, where there are four exchanges,
besides two public telephone offices, in which any person, on payment of
sixpence, is permitted to have five minutes' conversation with any one
whose house is connected with the central office. ....In New York alone
there are thirteen exchanges, with over 5000' subscribers, besides 1500
private telephone wires. The use to which those exchanges may be put need
not be confined merely to enabling subscribers to converse with each
other, and already many other purposes are being found for them. Thus,
according to Colonel Webber, in a recent paper on the subject, subscribers
can arrange to be wakened by the exchange ringing their bell at any
appointed hour; and correct time, say at noon, might be sent on all
subscribers' wires by the striking of a public clock heard simultaneously
on every telephone on the system. In the New York prisons transmitting
telephones are placed in the cell walls, from which wires are led to
receivers in another part of the building, and important conversations
between prisoners have, it is said, been thus heard, which have materially
assisted the ends of justice.'
With the aid of
a newly-patented wire, experiments were recently made with the telephone
between New York and Chicago (1000 miles apart), which proved entirely
successful--a conversation being carried on between those two ftir -
distant places! This is certainly the crowning triumph of this wonderful
discovery. It is contemplated, I understand, to introduce penny
telephone messages into London; and if this is carried out, it will likely
be extended over the whole kingdom. People will then be able to carry on a
conversation between 'Land's End' and 'John-o'-Groat's House' for the
small charge of one penny.
What wonderful
discoveries have been made in our day in chemistry, geology, astronomy,
etc.! Notably among the first of these may be specified the beautiful
aniline dyes we are now possessed of, which have so thoroughly superseded
a great many of our old dingy- looking colours, and which, from their
gorgeous brilliancy, have added so much to the beauty of all our textile
fabrics. Chemical science has given us these, and principally from an
article that was at one time looked upon as of little value, and for which
it was difficult to find any use, viz, coal tar. Then, in geology, what
wonderful revelations have been made to us of the age of our world by Hugh
Miller and other scientific men. In astronomy, every increased power of
the telescope has revealed to us greater and greater wonders, and given us
such glimpses into the mighty universe of God, that the mind is
overwhelmed with awe. In art, those beautiful oleograph pictures we now
possess are of but very recent date, and furnish another proof of the
scientific skill of the present day. When we are told that in some of
those pictures as many as sixteen colours require to be printed,
separately, ere the picture is finished, it will be seen at once with what
scientific skill the machines on which they are produced must be
constructed. Then photography is one of the great discoveries of this
century, which has enabled people in humble circumstances in life to get
portraits of themselves and their friends, who could not otherwise have
possibly obtained them. It was unknown in my young days, and the first
portrait (or profile, rather) I ever got taken of myself was done by a
machine, was painted black, and had golden hair put in!
The first time I went to London by land (about 1841),
there was no railway beyond Lancaster, and I had to 'coach it' from
Edinburgh (by Hawick, Langholm, Carlisle, and Kendal) to Lancaster; and
from thence to London by rail, taking part of two days and two nights for
the journey, and costing between £5 and £6. Now the journey can be
accomplished in ten hours, and a return ticket from Edinburgh got for
about £2, 10s.
Before the Edinburgh and
Glasgow Railway was made, we had to walk to Alloa, and get the 'Earl of
Mar' coach from there to Glasgow, taking five hours on the road. The
coaches entered the city by Duke Street, High Street, and drew up at
Mein's Hotel in the Trongate, a little to the west of the Tron Church, and
on the opposite side of the street. After the Edinburgh and Glasgow line
was opened (in 1842), an omnibus was started from Tillicoultry to Stirling
(with Hugh Black for driver), and we got the coach (driven by Lowrie
M'Laren) from there to Castlecary Station; and from Alloa the coach ran,
by way of Dunmore, Airth, and Carron, to Falkirk Station. Thus gradually
the benefits of railway travelling were approaching nearer us. When the
Scottish Central line from Greenhill to Perth was opened (in 1848), the
journey from Stirling to Edinburgh or Glasgow could be accomplished all
the way by rail. Afterwards the Stirling and Dunfermline line was made,
and then the Devon Valley; and thus the great iron roads which we now
possess were gradually introduced into Scotland, and the old mode of
travelling by the stage-coach done away with.
The portion of the Stirling and Dunfermline line from Alloa to Dunfermline
was opened in 1850; from Alloa to Stirling and Tillicoultry in 1852. On
the Devon Valley route, the portion from Kinross to Rumbling Bridge was
opened in 1862; from Tillicoultry to Dollar, in 1869; and the connecting
link between Dollar and Rumbling Bridge (thus completing the railway), in
The present generation can scarcely conceive of the
dread with which people looked on a journey by rail when railways were
first introduced, and many of the old folks wouldn't think of such a
thing. My worthy old aunt of Clackmannan used to say 'it was a tempting of
Providence' to go into a train, and she never did, although she lived long
after they were introduced. This same aunt used to tell me that in her
young days she walked all the way from Clackmannan to Paisley to see her
brother; but after the Forth and Clyde Canal was constructed, she walked
to Lock 16, and got the canal boat there.
recollect well of another old lady friend of mine, who was going from
Edinburgh to Glasgow shortly after the railway between those two places
was opened, and I urged her strongly, of course, to go by rail; but no,
she was sure to be killed if she hazarded her life on any such perilous
undertaking, and so, clinging to her old notions of things (like so many
old folks), she went by the canal boat, taking some ten hours by the way,
and passing through who knows how many locks.
We cannot now appreciate too highly the immense strides the press has
taken since those early days, and the great social, political, and
religious advantages we derive from the cheap and excellent literature of
the present day. Those charming pictorial books that are now produced
every year in such profusion for the children, were unknown fifty years
ago; and who can estimate the advantage this is to a rising generation?
Then the beautifully-illustrated school-books we now possess, and the
interesting and instructive matter of which they are generally composed,
give an interest to the scholars in their lessons that didn't exist
formerly, and must tend greatly to forward the education of the young. In
the matter of cheapness, also, it seems perfectly fabulous the prices at
which books can now be published, as compared to the early times of which
I have been writing. The first Testament I ever possessed cost 3s. 6d.;
and just think of getting one now for 3d.!
dear as my Testament was, what would one have cost before the art of
printing was discovered at all? The town of Mayence on the Rhine has the
honour of being the birthplace of the genius who made this invaluable
discovery. John Gutenberg showed his first printed sheets to Faust in
1448; and the first book (supposed to be a Bible) was printed in 1450.
A heavy duty existed in my young days on paper, and the
Government imposed a heavy tax on newspapers; and instead of getting our
morning and evening papers, as we do now, for the small sum of a penny and
halfpenny, a club of half a dozen or so got a newspaper once a week among
them—costing .7d.; and each got a reading of it, for a few hours, in his
turn. I remember well of my father being a member of such a club. When the
Government removed both duties, the press, being freed from such unnatural
shackles, took a bound in the way of progress that seems now perfectly
fabulous. This is seen specially in the charming illustrated weekly
newspapers that are now published, such as the Graphic, Illustrated London
News, etc., where, for the small charge of sixpence, you can get as many
really highly artistic engravings as would have cost pounds sterling in
days of old, and, in addition, all the general news of the week. Our
advantages now are unspeakably great, and our responsibilities in
consequence immensely increased, and it would be well that we should all
feel this, and act accordingly.
While the
press is powerful for good, it is also powerful for evil, when the streams
which flow from it are polluted; and it is very much to be regretted that
at the present day such an amount of pernicious literature is constantly
making its appearance, and poisoning the minds of all who read it.
Parents, therefore, cannot be too careful what sort of books they allow
their children to get into their hands, and should exercise the strictest
scrutiny in this respect.
Truly it has been my
lot to live in the age of the greatest discoveries in the arts and
sciences of any period of our globe's history, and our advantages now are
very great indeed. I often wonder how we got on at all in those early
times, and how business was ever managed. But, knowing no better, we
jogged along somehow, and people contrived to make money then as they do
now, and seemed to enjoy the comforts of life as much as at the present
It was
during my partnership with my brother that the building of the present
Established Church of Dollar was commenced (about the year 1840), and I
used frequently to go up and inspect the operations as they were going on.
The feuars of Dollar were very indignant at being
brought in by the heritors to pay a share of this new church--a thing that
had been almost unheard-of till then; and my father (from being possessed
of a good deal of heritable property) had a pretty large sum to pay. He,
however, got in consequence a very nice seat allocated to him in the new
building; but the Disruption coming on very soon after (in 1843), he
didn't enjoy it long, for, casting in his lot with the Free Church, he
joined the church that was built at Shelterhall, and left the Church of
his fathers. This church at Shelterhall was a plain one-storied building,
with a slated roof, and was built at Shelterhall, as being about half-way
between Muckart and Dollar, so as to accommodate both places. The Rev.
James Thomson of Muckart was chosen as the first minister of this joint
congregation. It was found, however, to be very inconvenient to have to go
so far to church, particularly in winter, and ultimately a church was
built in Dollar for the inhabitants of Dollar alone—the folks in Muckart
having either to go back to the Established Church, join the U.P. one, or
go to Fossoway Free Church. Mr. Thomson married Miss Monteath of
Dollarbank, who was cut off in the prime of life, and was interred in
Tillicoultry Cemetery in May 1867. Mr. Thomson died in Edinburgh, and was
buried there in December 1871, aged seventy-one years.
After nearly a four years' copartnery with my brother
in Dollar, I left in 1843, to commence business in Milnathort, where I
continued for four years. While there I attended the ministry of the Rev.
James Thornton of the Free Church. I boarded, during my sojourn there,
with Mrs. Mitchell, Mr. Thornton's sister, then a widow with a large young
family. The Rev. Mr. Little was then (and still is) minister of the
Established, and the Rev. Mr. Leslie of the U.P. Church.
The Rev. James Hay, D.D., and the Rev. Robert Leishman,
were ministers of the two U.P. Churches in Kinross; the Rev. John Wright
was (and is still) minister of the Free Church; and the Rev. William
Peters was (and still continues) minister of the Established Church. The
Rev. Dr. Hay died 14th June 1849.
Mr. Shaw and
Mr. David Reddie were the only drapers in Milnathort when I went there;
and the principal ones in Kinross were Mr. John Brough and Mr. Thomas
Crooks. The most extensive grocery businesses in Kinross were those of Mr.
Joseph Hardie (afterwards Mr. David Sands), Mr. Hutton, and Mr. Steedman.
Mr. Williamson and Mr. Hugh Laird were the principal
writers and bankers; and Dr. Annan and Dr. Gray were the two medical men
in Kinross. The two doctors in Milnathort were Dr. Roy and Dr. Lilburn.
Mr. George Barnet was (and still is) the only printer and publisher in the
county town of Kinross.
I may here give the
names of a few of the gentlemen in the town and neighbourhood of
The tartan manufacture was at that time in a very
flourishing condition in Milnathort and Kinross, and gave employment to a
great many hands. The principal manufacturers in Milnathort were:-
The only two firms now in the trade are Messrs. Wittet
& Chapman in Milnathort, and W. & R. Beveridge in Kinross. Mr. Stark now
carries on the business of Wittet & Chapman, and two Sons of Mr. William
Beveridge that of W. & R Beveridge. The only survivors of the original
foregoing firms are Mr. Michael Chapman and Mr. Robert Gordon, neither of
Whom is now in the trade. My good and worthy minister, the Rev. James
Thornton, died on 3d September 1874.
One of my
old apprentices (Mr. John Hogg, a native of MiInathort has been long at
the head of one of the largest drapery establishments in Boston, America;
and Mr. George Hutton was another of my apprentices while in Milnathort.
Mr. Thomas Forbes, Kinross, and Mr. John Henderson (afterwards of the
Castle Campbell Hotel, Dollar) were also with me for some time.
There was rather an eccentric blacksmith in Milnathort
in those days, and his signboard caused great amusement to strangers when
passing. It was as follows :-
Tammie Wallace, jobbing smith, Works up this close wi' a' his pith;
He'll dae yer job baith neat and sune, And hopes ye'll pay whene'er
it's dune.' Milnathort being situated on the
Great North Road which runs from Land's End to John-o'-Groat's House, the
amount of traffic that passed through it at certain seasons of the year
was very great indeed. There were four public conveyances between
Edinburgh and Perth each way daily—the Mail and 'Defiance' stage-coaches;
and the number of gentlemen's carriages when the shooting season
approached was something fabulous. It was said that at Mr. Mitchell's
hotel and posting establishment at North Queensferry about one hundred
horses were regularly kept; and the number at Kirk- land's hotel, Kinross,
would, I suppose, be about the same—as fresh horses were regularly got at
Kinross. When the Edinburgh, Perth, and Dundee Railway through Fife was
opened (in 1848), all this was entirely changed; and where all was stir
and bustle before, something like a deathlike silence at once took its
place. In this way the introduction of railways suddenly changed many
bustling country towns and villages throughout the kingdom into quiet,
rural, deserted- looking places, and completely ruined many prosperous
hotels. In 1846 my father paid me a visit in
Milnathort, and remained with me for some days, and although not feeling
quite well, was not much out of his usual. On his return to Dollar (on a
Thursday, I think it was) I walked with him the length of Thomanane, and
there bade him good-bye—a last good-bye, as it turned out to be, in this
world, for on the Monday morning following, a conveyance came for me from
Dollar, with the sad news that my father had taken suddenly and seriously
ill on coming home from church on Sabbath-day, and was no better. When
nearing Dollar, George Tod met and told me that all was over—that my
father was gone, cut off after a few hours' illness. Thus, at the
comparatively early age of fifty-seven, I lost my good and worthy
father—taken suddenly away in the midst of his usefulness, and leaving my
three young sisters alone in the old home.
manufacturing trade at the foot of the Ochils being very good at that
time, I was induced to leave my old business, and left Milnathort for
Tillicoultry in the year 1847. Through the kindness of my brother-in- law,
Mr. Robert Archibald, of Devonvale, I learned some of the branches of.
manufacturing, and commenced business on my own account in 1848; and now
for thirty- five years I have been engaged in wool spinning and
manufacturing. In 1851 my brother-in-law and I entered into partnership,
and under the firm of William Gibson & Co. carried on business together
for nineteen years, in Craigfoot and Dawson's Mills. In 1870 Mr. Archibald
left the business, and I then carried it on for some years by myself, and
since then in partnership with my eldest son, under the same old firm. |