IN the year 1799 a message came one day to Mr. M'Arbrea, the parish
teacher of Dollar, that a gentleman wished to see him in the village inn
at Gateside; and on repairing thither he found an entire stranger awaiting
him, who did not introduce himself, but who, in the course of a long
conversation, asked all the information about Dollar that a parish teacher
was so well qualified to give; and, after getting this, bade Mr. M'Arbrea
goodbye, leaving him still in ignorance as to who his interrogator was. He
gave him to understand, however, that the object of his inquiries was,
that some one was going to benefit the parish in an educational point of
view; and the inhabitants of Dollar are certainly very much indebted to
the shrewd old schoolmaster for representing matters in such, a light,
that what this stranger contemplated would be a very great boon and
blessing to Dollar, and would be highly prized by the parishioners. This
visit would no doubt give rise to a good deal of talk in Dollar at the
time, and great curiosity would be excited as to who this inquisitive
gentleman was; but it was fully two years before the mystery was cleared
up, and after the visit had been almost entirely forgotten. The first
light that was thrown on the incident was the intimation that came to
Dollar in 1802, that a Captain John M'Nab had died in London, leaving a
large sum of money for 'a charity or school for the poor of the parish,'
and it was to be under the management of the parish minister and kirk-session.
This gentleman, then, had no doubt been Mr. M'Arbrea's mysterious visitor,
and it became a settled point in Dollar, about which there need not be the
slightest doubt.
As is well known, this Mr. John M'Nab, whose noble
gift has so entirely changed the quiet little country village into the
important place of learning it now is, was a native of Dollar parish,
having been born at Wellhall, and was baptized in the Parish Church of
Dollar on the 14th of May 1732--one hundred and fifty years ago. He left
Dollar, when a young lad, for a seafaring life, and was so poor he had to
borrow the three-halfpence necessary to take him across the Queen's Ferry,
when on his way to Leith. From this time till he appeared again in Dollar
in 1799 (which must have been some fifty years at least), he was entirely
lost sight of, and would be—but by a very few —entirely forgotten. Having
been successful in amassing a large fortune, and remembering, no doubt,
the disadvantages under which he had himself laboured when a poor boy in
Dollar, be had bethought himself of doing something for his native
village; and hence his splendid bequest.The Rev. John Watson
appears to have treated the people of Dollar very cavalierly; for although
the Rev. Noah Hill's letter to him, intimating Mr. M'Nab's bequest, was
dated the 18th of January 1802, he appears not to have brought it before
his session till the 2nd of March 1803, on which date it is taken notice
of for the first time in the session records, and the will and Rev. Noah
Hill's letter recorded.
On the 17th March 1803 a session meeting
was held. Present with the Moderator, the Rev. John Watson, Messrs. James
Gibson, James Christie, John Jack, Andrew Paton, and Robert Smith, elders.
On account of the doubtful wording of Mr. M'Nab's will, this meeting
decided to take opinion of counsel regarding it, and the following letter
was agreed to be sent to James Ferrier, W.S., Edinburgh, Commissioner to
the Duke of Argyle :-
'DOLLAR, 17th March 1803.
alia, the members of the kirk-session, on account of the doubtful wording
of the will, wish to know whether they could advance the money requisite
for managing the matter in the first instance out of the poor funds
belonging to the parish, or if it is to be at their own risk, as none of
them can afford it; and, besides, it is no benefit to themselves, being a
public and parochial concern; or would you take the risk upon yourself, on
being handsomely rewarded on obtaining a decision corroborating the will?
Your opinion as to either of these is expected by, sir, etc.,
From this time till 1807 there appears to have been no
session meetings held in connection with it, and both the heritors and
inhabitants of Dollar were kept in entire ignorance of what Mr. Watson was
doing in regard to the matter. Mr. M'Nab's executors having meanwhile
raised a Chancery suit (the will being disputed by his cousin), the Court
of Chancery ordered the kirk-session to exhibit a scheme of the mode in
which they meant to dispose of the legacy. Mr. Watson, in compliance with
this order, prepared one for erecting a large hospital or poor-house, and
did so apparently without consulting his session, knowing that Mr.
M'Arbrea, the session-clerk, and, indeed, all the inhabitants of the
parish, and heritors, were quite opposed to this, and in favour of an
educational seminary. (The Chancery suit terminated in favour of Dollar.)
As soon as it got to be known that Mr. Watson had presented this scheme, a
meeting of the heritors took place on the 27th of January 1808, and also
one of the inhabitants of the parish on the same day, with the view of
opposing it. Through the kindness of Mr. Haig of Dollarfield, I am enabled
to give a copy of the minutes of both of those meetings, and the names of
those who attended them, whih are as follow:-
'Minute of a meeting of the heritors of the parish of Dollar, called to
consider a plan which the minister of the parish is stated to have
presented, with the concurrence of the elders, to the Court of Chancery,
for erecting an hospital for poor children with Captain M'Nab's
legacy—held at Dollar the 27th day of January 1808.
'Present—Craufurd Tait, Esq. of Harviestoun, for himself, and Colonel
Campbell, of Dollarbeg; John Duncanson, of Sheardale; William Fult, of
Mains of Dollar; William Haig, of Dollarfield; Robert Marshall, of Mains
of Dollar; Robert Pitcairn, in Dollar; John M'Cathie, in Dollar; Thomas
Lamb, of Mains of Dollar; James Fergus, of Mains of Dollar; Walter Moir,
for John Moir, of Hillfoot.—Mr. Tait appointed Preses; Mr. Moir appointed
The meeting having very fully considered the subject, are unanimously of
opinion that the. erection of an hospital for poor children in the parish
would be a great misfortune, would discourage industry, and would tend to
bring into the parish a number of poor people; and they resolve to oppose
the erection of an hospital by every means in their power, and, if
necessary, to appear in the Court of Chancery and state the misfortunes
which they consider it will bring upon the parish. Mr. Tait, Mr. Moir, and
Mr. Haig stated to the meeting that when they heard that the minister and
elders had made an application to the Court of Chancery for the
establishment of an hospital or poor-house, they had retained counsel, and
employed a solicitor to oppose the plan of the minister and elders. All
the heritors and proprietors present approved of this, and authorized
their names to be used in opposing the erection of an hospital or
poor-house. They further resolved, and they individually obliged
themselves, not to feu, or let, or in any way to give possession of any
part of their grounds to the minister and elders for the erection of an
hospital or poor-house, or an establishment of any kind with Mr. M'Nab's
legacy, except a free school, which they think would promote the industry
and prosperity of the parish.'
'Minutes of a meeting of the inhabitants of Dollar, called to consider a
plan which the minister of the parish is stated to have presented, with
the concurrence of the elders, to the Court of Chancery, for erecting an
hospital for poor children with Captain M'Nab's legacy—held at Dollar the
27th day of January 1808.
'Present - William Donaldson, quarrier in Dollar; William Fyfe, coalmaster
in Dollar; Alexander Hamilton, baker in Dollar; Andrew Sharp, smith in
Dollar; William Gibson, flesher in Dollar; Francis Sharp, flesher in
Dollar; Alexander Paterson, farmer in Dollarbeg; James Millar, mason in
Dollar; John Maitland, Excise officer in Dollar; Robert Malcolm, mason in
Dollar; Robert Leslie, carrier in Dollar; James Scott, overseer at Mains
of Dollar.
'The minutes of the heritors of this day regarding the application of
Captain M'Nab's legacy having been read to the meeting, and the persons
present having both now and formerly considered the subject with all the
attention in their power, they are unanimously of opinion that the
erection of a free school, at which the different useful branches of
education would be taught, would be the greatest blessing that could be
conferred on the parish. As to the establishment of an hospital for poor
children, they are of opinion that it would be an improper mode of
applying Captain M'Nab's legacy, —first, because the number of children
that could be admitted into such an hospital would be so small that it
would not be of extensive benefit to the inhabitants of the parish.
'Secondly, because they consider that the greatest comfort
which parents can receive is the company and conversation of
their children in their own families; and they would be
obliged to remove this comfort before their children could
get the benefit of being educated in the hospital. Besides,
they consider it their duty as parents to watch over the
health and morals of their children, and they think that
these will be as well attended to under their own eyes, as
when they are trusted to a hired housekeeper, or hired
servants in an hospital.
'Thirdly, from their early prejudices and education, they
have been accustomed to consider it as their pride to be
able to feed and clothe their children without the
assistance of charity; and the consequence of the erection
of an hospital would be either that they, the present
inhabitants, would feel themselves degraded if they suffered
their children to go into the hospital, and the minister and
elders would be obliged to invite families from neighbouring
parishes, with different feelings, to furnish children for
filling the hospital.
After those meetings were held the heritors employed
counsel, and took steps to oppose Mr. Watson's plan in
Chancery; and thus commenced the Chancery suit which
continued for such a long series of years.
Four years
after those meetings the inhabitants of Dollar were as
much in the dark as ever as to when the parish was to reap
the benefit of the legacy; and, getting very impatient at
the silence maintained by Mr. Watson and the session, a
petition was drawn up and presented to them, signed by
fifty-nine names; and another meeting took place in the
church on the 16th of June 1812, with the view of meeting
the minister and session, and hearing what they had to say
in regard to it. None of them, however, having put in an
appearance, the meeting appointed the following committee
to wait on Mr. Watson in the manse, viz. John Burns, David
Smitton, Henry Murray, William M'Leish, Daniel M'Gregor,
Andrew Paton, Robert Kirk, James Lawson, Andrew Sharp,
Robert Malcolm, and Andrew Mallach.. They accordingly
waited on him in the manse, and, in the course of a long
interview, learned from him that he was determined that
his scheme, and his alone, would be adopted, and told them
that unless the parish agreed to it, they would never get
the legacy. He wanted them to call another meeting of the
inhabitants, and get them persuaded to adopt his views,
and added: 'Although all the parish should leave me, and
the session should leave me, who have acted along with me
in the business, yet I stand alone for the poor of the
parish;' which meant, of course, for having a poor-house
or hospital built, although he knew that this was so
generally condemned. After dragging on for other three long years, the
heritors (who were, unfortunately, not trustees under M'Nab's will) were
just on the point of losing their suit in Chancery, when, fortunately for
Dollar, Mr. Watson died, which put a stop to the proceedings for a time;
and Dr. Mylne being appointed his successor, he at once took steps to get
tha management of the fund transferred from the English Court of Chancery
to the proper parties under the will—M'Nab's trustees—to be under the
control of the Court of Session in Scotland, and, after nearly two years,
succeeded in accomplishing his object. The announcement of Lord Eldon's
(the Lord Chancellor) order to this effect, is recorded in the minutes of
session on the 26th of June 1818. With the sixteen years' accumulations of
interest that had accrued since the death of the testator in 1802, the
legacy had now amounted to the handsome sum of £742,000.
Dr. Mylne being at one
with the heritors and inhabitants of Dollar as to how the money should be
applied, it was decided at once to have an educational seminary; and in
1818 the building of Dollar Academy was commenced.
Mr. M'Arbrea's
declaration on oath, in 1808, before William Haig, Esq., of Dollarfield,
J.P., that, in the conversation he had with Mr. M'Nab when be visited
Dollar in 1799, he never mentioned an hospital for the support of the
poor, but that the legacy that was to be left was to be for the education
of the parish, would have great weight with Dr. Mylne in enabling him to
make up his mind on the subject.
Could the worthy donor now return, and
see the fine building which his noble generosity was the means of rearing,
and learn all the good that had been done in Dollar in the way of
education for the last sixty years, not only to the natives of it, but to
young men from every part of the world, he would have no reason to regret
the decision he came to, or find fault with the admirable way in which the
people of Dollar had carried out his wishes.
Dr. Mylne having played
such an important part in getting M'Nab's legacy applied to the purpose
for which the donor solely intended it, it may not be uninteresting here
to give Mr. Tait's letter, appointing him as the Rev. Mr. Watson's
successor to the church of Dollar. Mr. Watson (who had been for
twenty-three years minister of the parish) died 16th December 1815, and
the inhabitants were very anxious to get, as his successor, a Mr. Peter
Brydie (afterwards minister of Fossoway), who had for some time been
acting as his assistant. With this object in view, a petition in his
favour was drawn up for presentation to the patron, Craufurd Tait, Esq.,
of Harviestoun (the Archbishop of Canterbury's father), and intimation of
this had been made to Mr. Tait by letter by my grandfather, James Gibson,
one of the elders. This letter brought an answer from Mr. Tait, which I
here give a copy of in full.
'EDINBURGH, 20th Dec. 1815.
'DEAR SIR,—I have just now received your letter dated the 18th current,
mentioning that Mr. Moore, of Lecropt, had assisted the parishioners of
Dollar in drawing up a petition to me, for presenting to the Church of
Dollar Mr. Peter Brydie, who has been for some short time past assisting
Mr. Watson, the late minister, and that you understand Mr. Brydie would be
agreeable to the parish. I have no doubt of Mr. Brydie being a very good
man, and it is a great mark of his ability having interested the parish so
much in his favour upon so short an acquaintance. But there is a very
excellent man, with whom I and all my family have been most intimately
acquainted now for more than these twelve years, and I have granted a
presentation of the Church of Dollar in his favour. He is a religious and
good man, of kind and obliging manners, and of great knowledge and
learning; and I am sure I do not venture too far, when I pledge myself
that you and the other elders, and all the parish, will, upon experience,
find him to be a good minister and a kind friend. His name is Mr. Andrew
Mylne, and it is probable that you and many people in the parish have seen
him, as he has been frequently at different times living with me and my
family at Harviestoun. Many patrons keep the parish vacant for nearly six
months; but I am sure that you and the elders will approve of my having
granted the presentation without delay, since I know so thoroughly the
worth and qualities of Mr. Mylne. —I am, with great regard, dear sir,
yours faithfully,
'Mr. Gibson, merchant, Dollar.'
Notwithstanding the
good account of Mr. Mylne (then pronounced 'Mill') contained in Mr. Tait's
letter, there somehow came to Dollar a report about him, that as a teacher
in Edinburgh he was considered rather severe in his discipline; and to
distinguish him from another Mr. Mylne, also a teacher there, the good
folks of Edinburgh 'dubbed' our worthy Doctor 'The Threshing Mill.' Be
this as it may, he had no opportunity of using the tawse in Dollar; but
from our after experience of him, I would be inclined to think there was
some truth in the story. As soon as it was finally resolved on having an
educational seminary, and the building of the Academy was commenced, a few
teachers were at once appointed; and until the Academy was finished, they
taught in the 'Big Toll-house.'
Mr. James Walker, from Dunbar, was
appointed English master; Mr. Peter Steven, for writing and arithmetic;
Mr. William Tennant, for Latin, Greek, and Hebrew; Mr. De-Joux (pronounced
by the Dollar folks De-Zhue) and his son, for French; and, shortly after
the Academy was opened, Mr. Bell was appointed for mathematics. These
formed the teaching staff of Dollar Academy for many years. Mr. Steven
didn't come for a few months after Mr. Walker, and Mr. George Taylor, of
the old town, who lived opposite my father's house, was temporarily
appointed to teach writing and arithmetic, and filled the situation very
satisfactorily till the permanent teacher came. After a time, Mr. Patrick
Gibson was appointed the first drawing-master in the Academy; and, on Mr.
Bell resigning the situation of mathematical teacher, Mr. Thomas Mathieson
was appointed to succeed him. Mr. Mathieson died on the 13th of June 1833,
at the early age of twenty-nine. Mr. David Gray succeeded Mr. Mathieson,
and Mr. Gibson's successor in the drawing class was Mr. Patrick Syme.
Mr. Walker's first residence, when he came to Dollar, was Easter Dollarbeg.
Mr. De-Joux lived in Do1la Bank. This Frenchman, who had travelled,
thought the Devon Valley so like the Vale of Tempë, that he styled his
place of residence Tempë Bank; and the vale below, the Vale of Tempë; and
in my young days his beautifully-situated residence was regularly called
Tempe Bank.
It must not be thought that Dollar, previous to
the inauguration of its now celebrated Academy, was entirely without the
means of education; for, in addition to the parish school, it was
possessed of a rather famous educational establishment I used to hear a
good deal about in my young days, but which had ceased to exist long
before my time, and to which I will now refer; this was 'Muckle Jean's
School.' Previous to the fine block of buildings, styled Brooklynn,
being built (to the north side of the Academy garden), there stood on the
same site three one-storied thatched houses, named Lowburn, the western
one of which, during the end of last century and beginning of the present,
was the domicile and seminary of this worthy old dame. Her name was Jean
Christie; and, to distinguish her from another of the same name, but of
smaller stature, she was styled 'Muckle Jean.'
Jean, it seems, didn't
approve of a little pair of tawse for keeping order in her school, but
used a long wand, with which she could reach the farthest-away scholar
without the trouble of rising; and this wand got to be spoken of as a
standard of measurement among her scholars—'as long as Muckle Jean's wand'
being a common expression used about anything that was considered very
long. We can easily imagine that Jean was not only innocent of having
any knowledge of the classics, but that her acquaintance with the King's
English would be but very imperfect; and when any very tough word was
reached, that was not only beyond the comprehension of her scholars, but
of Jean herself, she got over the difficulty by telling them to 'hip it,
daughtie' (pass it over).
I have got these particulars about 'Muckle
Jean' from a worthy old friend of mine, who, when a child, lived next door
to her. In connection with Mr. M'Arbrea, the parish teacher (to whom I
have already referred), this same old friend of mine told me a rather
amusing story about the very reprehensible practice of giving every one a
nickname in those days, and which, I am sorry to say, is still too common
amongst boys at the present time.
The sexton having died, the Rev. Mr.
Watson asked a weaver named John M'Donald to accept of the berth; but John
didn't see how he could make his 'daily bread' at it, and wouldn't,
therefore, accept of the post. From that time forward John was dubbed
'Daily Bread;' and not only did he get this name, but it descended to his
family. One of his sons, Roberta silly sort of a lad--was much annoyed one
day by his schoolfellows shouting 'Daily Bread' to him; when, exasperated
beyond measure, he rushed in to Mr. M'Arbrea, and complained bitterly to
him about the boys calling him names. Sympathizing with the poor afflicted
lad, and wishing to put a stop to this very bad practice, Mr. M'Arbrea
asked him who were the guilty parties, when Robert amusingly replied, 'It
was Davie Halley, the "Buildoug," and the "Sparrow."' The spell was broken
at once, and poor Bob was found just as guilty as the rest.
This Davie
Halley I remember as a pretty old man, with a large family, who carried on
a cooperage at the head of Craigie's Brae, and went always by the name of
'Cooper Halley.' |