Vpon the 28th day of April, old stile, which was the 8th
of May, new stile, it being the Lords day, I preached in the English
church in Amsterdame, vpon John 6. 27, being desired by Mr. Julius
Haring, pastor of the same church.
Vpon the -S4 day of May, being the Lords day, I preached
in the English church in Vtrecht, vpon Psal. 119, vers. 132, being
desired by Mr. Harris, pastor of the said church.
Vpon Weddnesday, the of May, being desired by Mr. Julius
Haring, I preached again in the English church in Amsterdame, vpon Matt. ii.
Vpon the 26th of May, old stile, being desired by Mr.
Spang, I preached again in Middelburg, vpon Matth. 11. 29, Mr. Grybius
being absent. Blessed be God for ever. Amen.
Vpon the day of Junij, in Ledyen, Doctor Spanheimius,
professor of divinitie, preached in the French tongue, in the French
church their, vpon theise words of our Saviour, For
wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together—
Matt. 24. 28. Theise words he did expone learnedly and plainly,
pertinently and powerfully applying them to the celebration of the holy
communion, which also he did celebrat after sermon ; and I did also
communicate with them at the Lords table, and I found sweet presence and
strong consolation in Christ my Saviour, to whom be glory for ever.
Amen. And in that same church, afternoone, the ordinarie minister of
that French congregation did preach vpon psalme 103, vers, 1, 2, 3, 4,
the Lord, 0 my soule, &c.
I blesse God for this blessed occasion, and for all His great mercies.
Hallelujah. Amen.
Vpon Weddensday, at evening, the Tt day
of Junij, as I was goeing in a boat toward the passadge ship for
Swartsluyse, from Amsterdame, I hade from God this great preservation
and deliverance, blessed be His holy name for ever and ever ; an ancore
of a ship did fall vpon me, and yet I was saved, and not killed, nor
wounded, nor bruised. Praised be God. Amen and amen.
Againe, vpon Frydday at euen, the TV
day of Junie, at Groeningen, as I was stepping vp to an high bed, the
stoole tumbled, and I did fall vpon an hard floore, and was saved from
hurt. Praised be the Lord for ever. Amen.
Vpon the 23rd of Junie, old stile, it being the 3rd day
of Julie, new stile, and being the Lord's day, I heard at Amsterdame
before noone, in the Zuyder kirk, one of the pastors of Amsterdame
preaching vnto the congregation of Hollanders their assembled. His
sermon was learned and pious, and very comfortable. His text was, Waut
de Sone des Menschen is glekomen oin te soeken ende saligh to maken dat
vertoren was —that is, For
the Sonne of Man is come to seeke and to save that which was lost—Luc.
19, 10. And, after sermon, the holy communion was celebrated, where I
did also communicat at the Lord's table with that congregation, and I
was comforted not a little. I found the Lord's gracious presence with
me, preparing and inviting me, and leading me to His holy table, and
their reviving and strengthening my soule with that heavenly food which
endureth vnto everlasting life. I renewed my vowes, and cryed for grace,
and was greatly comforted, and my soule praised the Lord, and I doe
praise Him with all my heart, and I will, by His grace, loue and praise
His holy name, while I haue any being. Hallelujah. Vpon that same day,
after noone, in that same kirk, preached another of the ordinarie
pastors of Amsterdame, vpone Act 2. 38, 39 and vpon the 72, 73 and 74
questions of their ordinarie catechisme, concerning baptisme. And
therafter, in another kirk, vpon the same day, I heard a thrid sermon,
plainly and powerfully preached, by another ordinarie preacher of
Amsterdame, vpon theise words : Ende niet vele dagen daer na de 20
jongste sone alles by een vergadert hebbende is wech gereyst in eeen
verre (gelegen) landt, ende heest aldaer syn goet door ghebracht levende
overdadighlick; that is : And
not many dayes after, the yonger sonne gathered all together, and tooke
his journey into a farre countrey, and their wasted his substance with
riotous living—Luke
15. 13. I thank the Lord for theise and other blessed occasions of His
service, and for His manifold mercies toward me, and toward all and
euery one of his children. Hallelujah.
Vpon the -^th day of Julie, it being the Lord's day, I
preached in the English church at Amsterdame, vpon Matth. 11. 29, being
desired by Mr. Thomas Paget, one of the ordinarie pastors of that
Vpon the 24th
day of August, 1644, it being the Lord's day, I received the holy
communion in the French church from Monsieur Hotton, one of the
ordinarie pastors of the French congregation at Amsterdame, who also
preached upon Psalme 133. 3 : and again, afternoone, in that same
congregation, I heard another minister preach also in French, vpon Rom.
12. 1. I was much comforted in God my Saviour. Glory to the Father, and
to the Sonne, and to the Holy Ghost, for ever. Amen.
Vpon the ifth day of August, it being the Lord's day,
being desired, I preached in the English church at Delft, two sermons,
vpon Esai 12. 1 : And
in that day thou shalt say, 0 Lord, I will praise thee ; though thou
wast angry with me (or,
for thou was angrie with me), thyne
anger is turned away, and thou comfortedst me.
Vpon Weddensday, the 28th of August, old stile, being the
seventh of September, new stile, being desired, I preached in Amsterdame
upon theise words in the two last verses of the 80th Psalm— Quicken
vs and we shall call upon thy name. Turn vs again, 0 Lord of Hosts,
cause thy face to shyne, and we shall be saved.
Within not many dayes after this, I went againe to
Groeningen, where my sonne and his pedagogue Mr. William Keyth were ;
and their finding my sonne somewhat seekly, and having occasion of fair
weather, and perceiuing my sonne to be somewhat sad, I tooke him and his
pedagogue abroad, and we made a progresse of travelling gently and
pleasantly through Ommeland and through Friseland, and did let him see
theise townes in Freisland, Lewardine, and Franekir, with the academie
therin, and Harling, remaining a good while in euery one of them : and
we travelled also through another towne in Friesland, called Bolswart,
and saw other places a good way off; and upon the seuenth day we
returned to Groeningen in peace, being all of vs in good health, praised
be God for it, and for restoring my child from that siknesse which they
reported to have been heavier before I came. I stayed with them the
space of neare three moneths, and having provided their accomodation in
all things against the approaching winter, I recommended them to the
grace of God, and leaving them in good health and cheerefulnesse, and in
a comfortable course of good learning, I took journay from Groeningen,
vpon Weddensday, the 30th day of October, old stile, and, by the mercy
of God, I arrived safely at Amsterdame, vpon Saturday, the 2nd of
November, old stile, which was the 12th of November, new stile. Blessed
be God.
Because of the printing of my booke, entitled
Instructions historico-theologicae, I
tooke course to stay at Amsterdame this winter, and entered into a Dutch
merchant's house, where I found the companie good,religious, and civile;
but the chamber where I abode, altho large and well furnished, yet
obscure and somwehat cold; whereupon I told them that I found not such
accomodation in respect of the chamber as my studies doe require, and
besought them to think well of my removall to some other house, wherein
I might find a more convenient chamber, which they did not oppose ; and
thereupon I made condition with another, where was a meeter chamber,
altho at a dearer rate ; and while, as I am staying to fulfill a weeke
with the aforesaid good companie, they sett them-selues by all meanes to
remede any thing displeasing to me ; and some freinds also told me that
they might happily take it in evill part as a breach on my part, and a
disreputation put vpon them, and their house, if I should so soone leave
them ; and, on the other part, I hade promised to the other people to
come to them. The consideration of this difhcultie did much trouble me,
for I saw my self sore straited with an appearing necessitie of sinning;
and giving of offence, which way of the two I should choyse, which was
vnto me more bitter then death. Therefore, being in a grievous agonie, I
confessed my sinnes vnto God, and this sinfull precipitating of my self
into this fearfulle difficultie. I cryed with teares vnto my God, to
whome all things are possible, and the Lord heard me, and hade mercy
vpon me, and moved the hearts of that good companie with whome I was, to
declare vnto me, that howsoever they would be glad of my companie, yet
they acknowledged that the chamber was inconvenient for me, and
therefore they consented to my remoovell with freindschip and goodwill,
neither did they conceiue offence therat, and were rather displeased at
the incommodiousenesse of that house, which was vnto themselues but an
hyred house, and said that they mynded to seeke out for themselues also
a better lodging house ; and I came with peace of conscience and
kyndnesse of both parties vnto the other more commodious lodging. My
soule doth blesse the Lord my God and Saviour, and I will, by His grace,
blesse His holy name while I haue any being, who hath knowen my soule in
adversities, and hath disappoynted the machinations and expectation of
my spirituall enemies, and hath drawen me out of the great waters of
tenation and trouble, wherewith I was compassed, and hath kept me from
sinning against Him, and from giving offence, and in love to my soule He
hath cast all my sinnes behind His back, and hath deliuered me out of
the mouth of the Lion. And I trust in the mercy of the Lord my God, that
He shall deliver me from euery euill worke, and will preserve me vnto
His heavenly kingdome ; to whome be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
Upon 12th day of December, 1644, at Amsterdame, Mr.
Julius Haring and Mr Thomas Paget, the two ordinarie pastors of the
English Congregation, did preach and celebrat the holy communion, and I
came with others to the Lord's table, and their I receiued the holy
communion, with a very sweet and sensible presence of the Lord my God
and Saviour with me, renewing to me His former comforts, and adding
therto, in such sort, as when I came from the table, and did betake
myself to a privat devotion in thanksgiving to God, my heart and my
soule rejoyced greatly in the Lord, and myne eyes did cast out tears,
proceeding from spiritual joy, and love, and peace. I prayed for
confirmation, and continuance of His grace with me, and for performance
of my vowes, that the Lord would work in me the porformance, and blesse
His church in our King's dominions and elsewhere, and make me to be
comforted of God my Heavenly Father in Jerusalem all my dayes, as he
that is comforted of his mother, and that I might have this assured
token that Christ abideth in me, and I in Him, even my fruit-fulness in
Him, in bringing forth much fruit. For He sayeth,He
that abideth in Me, and I in Him, the same bringeth forth much fruit. I
prayed also for my child, George, and others his deare children, and I
was greatly comforted. Praised be the Lord. The forsaid pastors preached
powerfully and comfortably, Mr. Haring before noone, vpon Act 2, 23 : Him
being deliuered by the determinat counsel and fore-knowledge of God, ye
have taken, and by wicked hands crucified and slain ;
and Mr. Paget afternoone, vpon John 1. 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, insisting
most vpon that testimonie of John Baptist concerning our Lord Jesus
Christ, vers. 29 : Behold
the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sinne of the world. My
soule blesseth God for theise blessed occasions of His service and means
of grace, accompanied with His effectuall and plentifull blessing, and
with good hope, through grace, that good-nesse and mercy shall follow me
and my child, with others beloved of God, all the dayes of our life, and
that we shall abide in the house of the Lord for ever. Glory to the
Father, and to the Sonne, and to the Holy Ghost, exalted aboue all
blessing and praise, from everlasting to everlasting. Amen and Amen.
Vpon the -ifthdayof December, 1644,being desired by Mr.
Julius Haring, I preached in the English church at Amsterdame, vpon
theise words of our Saviour : And
ye shall find rest vnto your soules. For my yoke is easie and my burden
is light.—Matth.
xi. 29, 30. The Lord did mercifully comfort me and my hearers. Praised
be God. Amen.
Vpon the 22nd day of December, 1644, old stile, (it being
the first day of Januarie, 1645, new stile), Mr. Haring being yet
hindered by sikenesse, and having desired me to preach for him, I
preached in the English church againe in Amsterdame, vpon Ephes. iii.
14, 15, 16, and the Lord was graciously with me, and with my hearers.
All praise and glorie to his holy name for ever and ever. Amen.
Vpon the 25th day of December, 1644, old stile, (it being
the 4th of January, 1645, new stile) having been desired by Mr. Haring
and Mr. Paget, it being the ordinarie monethly fasting day for England,
I preached at Amsterdame, vpon Luke xviii., the first seven verses, with
a part of the eight verse. Glory to God for evermore. Amen.
Anno Domini, 1645.
Vpon the first day of Januarie, old stile, 1645, (it
being Weddensday, and the eleuenth day, new stile,) the great and
magnifick temple, called the new kirk in Amsterdame, was burnt vp by
fyre, and therupon men doubting how this came to passe, there was in
mens mynds a feare of some insurrection and confusion, the people closed
their windowes, and the burgers, by publik order, went to armes vntill
the affright was over, andwurse taken Qr preserving the citie in peace
and safety. Blessed be God who hath spared vs and comforted vs.
Vpon Thursday, the 19th
of Januarie, that learned man Gerardus Joannes Vossius, having red and
considered the 26th and 29th chapters of the eight booke of myHistorico-theologicall
Instructions, consented
to the printing therof. I praise the Lord who heard me, and hath moved
the heart of that learned man to consent hierto, altho it be contrarie
to some things wreitten formerly by him in his Historia
Pelagiana. Blessed
be God, the mightie God of Jacob, el elohe Israel.
Vpon the Hnd day of Januarie, it being the Lords day, and
I having beene earnestly desired by Mr. Julius Haring, yet sick, to
preach for him, I preached in the English church in Amsterdame, vpon
theise words of the Apostle Paul, to
be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man, that Christ
may dwell in your hearts by faith.Ephes.
iii. 16, 17. The Lord was graciously with me, and made me also partaker
of theise comfortable blessings. Glory to the Father, and to the Sonne,
and to the Holy Ghost, for ever and ever. Amen.
Vpon the 5th day of August, 1645, at Amsterdame, in the
English church, I did participat the holy sacrament of the Lords Supper,
with very great spirituall comfort and sweet presence of God my Saviour,
to whom be glorie for ever more. Amen.
Vpon the 3rd day of September, new stile, I did very
comfortably receiue the holy communion with the French or Wallon
congregation in Middelburg, 1645.
Vpon the 28th day of September, old stile, 1645, I did,
with great comfort, receiue the holy communion with the Dutch Gelder
congregation in Arnhem, where my sonne also and his pedagogue, Mr.
William Keyth, did lykewayse communicate. Blessed be God.
Vpon the 5th day of October, old stile, 1645, I did
againe receiue the holy communion with the Dutch Gelder congregation in
Arnhem, and the Lord did greatly comfort me, and strengthen me in his
grace, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord, to whome, with the Father and
the Holy Ghost, be all honour, glory, and prayse, and thanksgiving, and
blessing, and dominion, for evermore. Amen.
Vpon the 21st day of June, old stile, 1646, being
earnestly desired, I preached in the English church in Amsterdame, vpon
psal. lxxxix. vers. 15, 16.
Vpon the 24th day of Junie, old stile, 1646, it being
Weddensday, there was a publik solemne fast and humiliation throughout
all the united provinces of the Netherlands, praying for a blessed
seccess to their army ; and I being that day in the Hage, did keepe the
fast with the French church their, where I hard Mr. Andrew Rivetus
preaching in French, vpon the 58th chap, of Esai. vers. 5, 6, 7, 8.
Vpon the 28th day of Junie, old stil, 1646, I and my
sonne George, and Mr. William Keyth, did hear Mr. Colvius, minister of
the French Church in Dort, preaching in French, vpon Hebr. xii. 14 ; and
we did, at that same tyme, receiue the holy sacrament of the Lord's
supper with that French congregation, with great comfort. Praised be
Vpon the 5th day of July, old stil, 1646, being earnestly
desired, I preached in the English Church in Middelburg, upon Micah vii.
Vpon the eighth day of July, old stil, it being
Weddensday, we embarked, I and my sonne George, and Mr. William Keyth,
at Camphere, and ther-after, vpon the next following Tuysday, the 14th
of July, anno 1646, we arrived and landed safely at Aberdene, by the
good hand of our God vpon us. Glory to the Father, and to the Sonne, and
to the Holy Ghost, for ever and ever. Amen. Hallelujah.
Vpon the second day of September, 1646, I came to Corse
with my sonne and Mr. William Keyth, and found my tabernacle in peace,
through the great mercy of our God in Christ Jesus our Saviour, to whome
be glory for ever and ever. Amen. Hallelujah.
Vpon the 4th day of October, and again vpon the first day
of November, was kept a publik fast and humiliation, at both which dayes
I kept with the congregation at Lochell, and was much comforted. Praised
be the Lord.
Vpon the 20th day of October, 1646, I sent my sonne
George from Corse to the colledge of Old Aberdene ; and I praise God for
this occasion of his farther education, without engagement of his
conscience or myne to any oath or subscription in these matters, now
controverted among Protestant brethren in Scotland. 0
Lord, thou wilt order peace for us, for thou hast wrought all our works
for us.
Blessed be God. (Dr. Forbes' Diary MS., fol. 176-79.)