28th day of Julie, 1640, began the generall assemblie, which was holden
in the colledge kirk of New Aberdene, and that day they kept a fast and
hade sermons in that kirk. The morning sermon was preached by Mr. David
Dicksone (who hade bene moderator of the last generall assemblie at
Edinbrugh), vpone theise words of the apostle: "For I determined not to
know any thing among you save Jesus Christ and him crucified." A pastor
ought to speake and doe determinatly, and not vnadvysedly, and lay aside
other things that are hinderances, as enticing words of man's wisdome,
vaine glorie, worldly distractions, &c. To know Christ signifieth hier
so to know him, that we also loue him, and beeliue in him, and by
experimentall knowledge be acquainted with him ; and especially to know
him crucified for our redemption : This is life eternall, that they
might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast
sent.— John xvii. 3. And the apostle saith, that I may know him, and the
power of his resurrection, and the fellowship ot his sufferings, being
made conformable vnto his death.—Philip iii. 10 ; also to know nothing
but Christ crucified, is to professe nothing, to teach nothing, to
glorie in nothing but Christ crucified, to seeke not our owne glory, but
the glory of him that sent vs. For we preach not our selues, but Christ
the Lord, and our selues your servants for Jesus sake.—2 Cor. iv. 5. I
did keepe the fast that day with the assemblie, and I cryed vpon God
both their and elsewhere, and I found joyful comfort, praised be the
Lord. Amen.
Vpon the 29th of Julie, I remained an hearer in the
assemblie all that session, and about the end of the session, my name,
with the names of some others who hade beene charged, being called, I
answered, and offered to come neerer to the moderator; but I was stayed,
and bidden attend the assemblie euery day, and to remaine without the
assemblie house, which I promised to obey.
Vpon the 30th day of Julie, 1640, in the morning early,
revolving what hade passed yesterday, I found that in my words before
the assembly, there were some which I should rather not haue spoken, and
that I hade omitted some words which hade been very convenient to be
spoken ; and fearing lest any offence haue arisen thereby in the mynds
of any brethren, and fearing desertion, I prayed and wept vnto God for
mercy, and that he would remeid and remoue all offences given by me to
any, or taken by any at me, that day or at any tyme, and to be with my
heart and with my mouth, and to grant me mercy and grace in his sight,
and convenient mercy and favour in the eyes of all with whome I haue to
doe ; and I was comforted in God : to him be glorie for euer. Amen.
Vpon the 31st day of Julie, 1640, I repeted the same
petitions to God, and I was comforted.
Upon the first of August, 1640, I compeared before the
committee of the generall assemblie, and being questioned vpon many
things, I found God's mercifull presence so euidently with me, as
notwithstanding of my scruples concerning the couenant, and of my
wreittings, yet they were pleased with me. Also they tooke in good part
my answeris to other questions vpon the 4th and 5th dayes of the same
moneth. Now, all the dayes of the generall assemblie, I prayed euery day
with groans and teares vnto God to be with me, and give me a comfortable
outgett and a blessed event, and to forgiue all my sinnes ; and the Lord
heard me ; praised be the Lord.
Vpon the 5th day of August, 1640, I was called, and I
compeared before the generall assemblie, and the moderator therof Mr.
Andro Ramsay said to me, in name and in presence of the whole assemblie,
that the generall assemblie hath found me ingenuous and orthodoxe, and
nather Papist nor Arminian, and as for my different judgement concerning
the couenant, they should intimate their will vnto (me) the next
morning. When I heard this, I answered and thanked God, and thanked this
venerable assemblie for this testimonie of me, and I promised to set my
self to give them all contentment sincerely, so farre as my conscience
would permitt.
Vpon the 6th day of August, 1640, being called, I
compeared againe before the generall assemblie, and the moderator therof
did give me againe publikly, in name of the assemblie, that same
testimonie of ingenuitie and orthodoxie which they had giuen me the
preceeding day, and declared vnto me that it is the will of the
assemblie that I take journey and goe to Edinbrugh, some dayes after the
assemblie, and there conferre with the brethren of that presbyterie
anent the couenant. I acknowledged this to be a fauour done vnto me, and
promised to obey, requesting with all, that whether after conference we
agreed or not, they would continow their loue toward me vpon my good
bearing, and I promised to heare and consider sincerly and vnpartially
all the reasouns that should be represented vnto me, and that no
wilfulness or hardnesse of heart, nor honour or dishonour, nor any other
respect worldly shall hinder me from embracing and professing that which
I shall find to be true. I shall pray to God, and I trust in his grace.
And when I desired them to continow their louing affection to me, they
answered me kyndly that I might referre that to them of the committee to
be at Edinbrugh, and that I might expect fauourable vsage, so farre as
might consist with the publike good of the kirk of Scotland, which they
must preferre to any priuat man. I answered it is very good reasoun. And
this I was dismissed with loue and vnanimous good lyking of the whole
generall assemblie, and of all the members thereof, both of laitie and
of the clergie. And I came from them rejoycing and praising God, who
hath hade mercy vpon me, and hath giuen me this louing fauour of the
generall assemblie, and hath made my freinds to rejoyce and praise God
with me, and for me and myne enemies he hath made to be at peace with
me, and to become my freinds, and he hath confounded my spirituall
enemies, and hath made all the beholders of this great mercy of God
toward me to admire and magnifie thewonderfull prouidence of God, and
his most Bellent louing kyndnesse and the trueth of his saluation to all
them that trust in his mercy and call upon his name. LE—Elohe—Israel.
Blessed be the Lord for he hath shewed me his marveilous kindness in a
strong citie.
After this, that same day, I being alone in the field,
and meditating on all theise things, I fell doune vpon my face and
praised God with teares of joy. He hath deliuered my soule in peace from
the battell that was against me ; for there were many with me. O Lord,
thou hast pleaded the cause of my soule, for the Lord hath dealt
bountifully with thee. What shall I render vnto the Lord for all his
benefits towards me ? O Lord, my goodness extendeth not to thee. O Lord,
sanctifie my whole spirit, and soule, and body, wholly vnto thy selfe.
Thy vowes are upon me, O God. I will render praises vnto thee, for thou
hast deliuered my soule from death. Wilt thou not deliuer my feete from
falling? that I may walke before God in the light of the liuing. Lord,
lead me, preserue and bless me in this intended journey to Edinbrugh,
and bring me home againe in peace with a good conscience. This I asked
fervently with teares, and the Lord graciously heard my prayer, assuring
me that he will goe with me, and bring me againe in peace, and he will
shew me his saluation, so that I shall finish my course with joy, and
depart in peace in the sight of his saluation. I was heirby exceedingly
comforted in the Lord my God, against the feare of this journey to
Edinbrugh, and of my weaknesse, and of the assaults attending me their,
and against the feare of death. Blessed be the name of the Lord for euer
and euer. Amen.
My answere to the tuo reverend brethren, Mr. Robert Reid
and Mr. William Strachan, which were sent to me from the provinciall
synode of Aberdene, the 19th day of October, 1642.
I doe indeed remaine in my former judgement concerning
theise our domestike differences, but, seeing the brethren doe know that
I am sound and orthodoxe in all the controversees against papists, and
socinians, and arminians, and anabaptists, and other sectaries, conforme
to the doctrine contained in our nationall confession, and in the
harmonie of confessions, and my judgement concerning our domestike
differences is neither hereti-call norschismaticall,and I doe possesse
it peaceably; knowing that theise differences are not a sufficient cause
wherefore to make separation or perturbation ; I submit myselfe to the
present government, and doe practise as is appoynted ; neither in this
is my practise contrarie to my judgment, seing that which I practise may
lawfully be done, and, consequently, the publike peace requiring it now
of me, I ought to doe so ; although concerning the nature of episcopacy,
and the necessitie or vnlawfulnesse of some other things contained in
the covenant, I differ in judgment from my brethren, modestly and
peaceably; and that episcopacie, which I think lawfull and agreable to
God's Word is not destructiue of the presbyterie, nor inconsistent
therwith ; and in those churches which are governed only communi
presbyterorum consilio, the
want of such a bishop, with them is indeed, in my opinion, an
economicall defect, but it is not an essentiall defect, it neither
taketh away the true nature of a church, neither doeth it make void or
invalide the ordination and jurisdiction therof ; and my judgement,
concerning theise our domestike differences, agreeth with the judgement
both of catholike antiquitie, and of the reformed churches, and the most
famous and most approved doctors therof; and, seeing my brethren know
that I was placed in this station by an evident divine calling, by the
voice of the church, and God hath bene with me therin ; neither doe I
desert my station, nor alienat my affection from it, but am willing to
continue in the service, for advancing the reformed religion ; I doe not
conceiue how it can be saife for my brethren, toward God, to put me from
my station, or to hinder or discourage me in the performance of this
worke, which God hath committed vnto me, and wherin he doeth mercifullie
blesse me. Therefore in all theise considerations, I expect that they
will encourage me, euen as I am to goe in this service, and not remove
me from it, which, if they doe, I meane, if they remoue me from this
station, wherin God hath placed me, (albeit) I can not approue that
their doeing, yet I am resolued to endure it patiently.—(Diary, fol.