A. Robt. Armour, John Armour, George Auld.
B. John Boston, Walter Benny, Rev. Dr. Black.
C. Thos. Cringan, Andrew Cowan.
D. Geo. Dempster, Wm. Dow, David Davidson.
B. Wm. Edmonstone, Rev. H. Esson.
F. Wm. Fraser, M.D., Adam Ferrie, James Moir Ferres.
G. Robt. Gillespie (uncle), Robt. Gillespie
(nephew), F. Gilmour, Wm. Gunn, B. R. of Montreal.
H. Archd. Hume, A. Hall, M.D.
I. J. K. David Kinnear,
L. James Leslie, James Low, Sir Wm. Logan, James
M. John McKenzie, James Millar, Neil Macintosh, W.
G. Mack, Hon’ble Peter McGill, Hon. W. Morris, Hon. T. Mackay, Rev. Dr.
Mathieson (St. Andrew’s Church), Hon. James McGill.
N. O. P. Wm. Peddie, John Orr.
R. Donald Ross, Hew Ramsay, Wm. Ritchie, John
Redpath, Dr. Robertson, Andrew Robertson, Q.C., Chief Justice Reid. Colin
Russel, Geo. Rhynas, Hon. John Richardson.
S. Andrew Shaw, John Smith, Alex. Simpson Robert
Simpson, Sir. George Simpson.
T. John Torrance, David Torrance,
W. Geo. D. Watson, Wm. Watson, Robert Weir.
Y. Hon’ble John Young.
(List made up until departure of
troops, 1871.)
Rifle Brigade.
Earl of Errol . Miss Gore
7th Hussars.
Col. White... Miss DeMontenach
Major Campbell... Miss Duchesnay
13th Hussars.
Capt. Clarke... Miss Rose
Capt. Joyce... Miss Austen
Lieut. Miles... Miss Esten
Dr. Milburn... Miss Allan
Royal Artillery.