Up-date Dec. 2010
Seasons Greetings
from North Halton –
Continuing our
networking activities:
Through the Halton
Heritage Network we are the subject of an article in the current
edition of the Halton Regional Museum newsletter “The Heritage
Anne has met with the
Heritage Foundation of Halton Hills and found that there may some
operational funds available to us. We would use this funding to
print more brochures and develop a visual illustration of our vision
of the completed Fallbrook site.
Kate has received
some information re the “Heritage River Designation Committee”, a
newly formed group, including CVC, concerned with preservation of
heritage features of the Credit River Valley. It is too soon to
predict where this might lead, but we are invited to a meeting Mar.
No additional news on
the political front at this time.
All the best for the
holiday season
Bill McKay for NHCHS