miseris succurere disco—I learn to succour the needy, would fit St.
Andrew's Societies the world over. These organizations exist to befriend
those exposed to life's bitter blast, Scots by birth or descent. Such
societies are formed wherever Scots settle; yet, no matter how far apart
from each other and from Scotland they may be, their objects are the
same, and ever the same; and the history of one, except in local
coloring, is practically the history of all. In Canada are many of them,
and a few facts regarding some of them follow :-
Andrew's Society of Brantford is in its jubilee year, having been formed
in 1850. The first president was John Steele, and for thirty years the
late Dr. Cochrane was chaplain. Mr. G. B. Salmond is president this
year, and Mr. John F. McLaren is secretary.
HALIFAX, N.S.—The North
British Society of. Halifax is the oldest Scottish organization of the
kind in Canada. It was instituted on 26th March, 1768, in a house
situated at the corner of Granyule and Salter streets, then the
residence of John Taylor. The presidents were at first called
"moderators;'' the first being John Gillespie, and the first secretary,
James Clark. For the present year the president is Joseph A. Chisholm,
and the secretary, D. Budge. The funds amount to about $22,000. A
history of the Society has been written by Mr. James S. Macdonald.
Andrew's Society of Hamilton was first organized in 1835 by the union of
the Scotch residents of Hamilton with the ''United St. Andrew's Society
of Ancaster, Dundas, and Flamboro'," under the name "District of Gore
St. Andrew's Benevolent Society." In 1836 the members of the Gore
District formed themselves into the "Hamilton St. Andrew's Benevolent
Society," with W. Scott Burn as president, and John Young as secretary.
For 1899 the Hon. president was Hon. Adam Brown; president, J. C.
McKeand; secretary, P. D. Crearar, M.A.
Andrew's Society of Kingston was the outcome of a meeting held on
November, 1840, at the Lambton House, William McIntosh presiding. Hon.
John Hamilton and Right Hon. Sir John A. Macdonald were its two first
presidents. Mr. J. B. McKay occupies the president's chair this year,
and W. B. Carruthers is secretary.
MONTREAL.—St. Andrew's
Society of Montreal was founded in 1835. In 1857 St. Andrew's Home was
opened. The liberality of the prominent Scots is proverbial, and the
present large building is a proof of their princely benevolence. The
president is Dr. James Stewart, and the secretary is Allister Mitchell.
OTTAWA..—It was on the
20th May, 1846, that the St. Andrew's Society of Ottawa was formed.
Sheriff Simon Fraser presided, and Robert Harvey acted as secretary. The
first president was William Stewart, and Mr. Harvey, Jr., continued as
secretary. It was incorporated in 1868. The financial condition of the
Society is satisfactory; its membership is about 250. The president is
Mr. W. D. Hogg, Q.C.
QUEBEC.—The St. Andrew's
Society of Quebec dates from 9th October, 1835. Among those present at
its formation being the Hon. F. W. Primrose, uncle of Earl Rosebery. It
has done much benevolent work, and is in a prosperous condition. The
president for last year was John Theodore Ross.
the Scots of Stratford formed a St. Andrew's Society. In 1865 a
constitution was adopted, and John Alexander Scott became the first
president under it. At present George Malcolm, B.A., is president, and
James McIntyre is secretary. The membership is about 100.
The St. Andrew's Society of St. Catharines was organized by Thomas
McIntyre, a native of Forres, in 1835, he being its first president.
Fifty years afterwards his son, Mr. J. B. McIntyre, became president,
the father witnessing his installation. The officers for the current
term are: president, W. McGibbon; secretary, H. J. Johnston.
ST. JOHN, N.B.—St.
Andrew's Society of St. John was formed oil 8th March, 1798, with 51
members. The first officers were: Hon. William Pagan, president; Hon.
,William Campbell, vice-president; Francis Gilbert, treasurer; John
Black, secretary. The president for the current year is Hon. Judge J.
Gordon Forbes; and the secretary is A. Gordon Leavitt. There are 186
active members besides honorary and life members on the roll, and the
funds amount to $8,182.
TORONTO. —St. Andrew's
Society of Toronto was established in 1836, with Hon. William Allan as
president, and Alexander Murray as secretary. Its record has been one of
unfailing success, and its influence is justly great. Its fund amounts
to about $10,000. The president is Mr. William Mortimer Clark, Q.C., and
the secretary, Mr. James Bain, Jr.
Andrew's Society of Windsor was instituted oil 17th May, 1881, when Mr.
Donald Cameron was elected president. Previous to taking up his
residence in London Mr. Robert Barr, the novelist, was an active member.
The president is Mr. R. F. Sutherland, and tile secretary, Mr. Andrew
The Scottish Borderers'
Association was the outcome of an enthusiastic meeting of Borderers on
7th of September, 1893, in Pythian Hall, Toronto. The attendance was
large, several being present from places adjacent to Toronto. The prime
mover and originator of the idea was James Chisholm, Galt, but he was
heartily seconded by Mr. Douglas Scott, Toronto, and others. The friends
first met in parlors of the Russell House, and adjourned to the hall.
The officers elected at the institution of the Society were: President,
James Chisholm, Gait; 1st Vice-President, Douglas Scott, Toronto; 2nd
Vice-President, Adam Watson, Hamilton; 3rd Vice- President, Robert
Riddell, Chatham Secretary-Treasurer, Chas. P. Grierson, Waterloo;
Committee : R. H. Brydon, Guelph; Robert N. Scott, Gait; D. B. Miller,
Preston; - Young, Hamilton, and W. F. Latmer.
The Toronto Caithness
Association was founded on 7th April, 1872. Mr. Geo. M. Rose was the
first president, and Sir Oliver Mowat, who was then elected lion.
president, holds that office still. The president is Mr. Thomas Dunnett,
and the secretary is Mr. Daniel Ross.
DUTTON. West Elgin
Caledonian Society was formed at Dutton, July 29, 1890, and has made a
name second to none in Canada. Its originator, Mr. Duncan MacMillan, was
its first chief. It won the World's Fair Medal at Chicago in 1893, for
taking the greatest number of prizes at the World's Fair Caledonian
games. Last year the chief was Alexander McWilliam, and the secretary,
Mr. John D. Blue.
Caledonian Society of Lucknow is one of the best known in Canada. It was
founded in 1875, chiefly by the efforts of Mr. Henry Ross. The first
chief was the veteran Scot, Dr. D. A. MacCrimmon, and the secretary was
Dougal McKinnon. Ten thousand people sometimes attended the annual games
of the Society. It is incorporated, and owns a public park. Mr. A.
McPherson is chief; Mr. D. D. Yule, secretary; and Mr. J. Murchison,
financial secretary and treasurer.
MONTREAL.—The Caledonian
Society of Montreal was instituted in 1855, and incorporated in 1870.
The first president was Lieut.-Colonel John Fletcher, and the first
Secretary was Lieut.-Colonel A. A. Stevenson. Its main objects are, in
common with other Caledonian Societies, the encouragement of Scottish
games, and to the cultivation of a taste for Scottish history, poetry
and song. The membership is 932, and the assets amount to $3,799.
William Seatim is president, and W. C. McAllister, Hon. secretary.
TORONTO.—The Caledonian
Society of Toronto was formed in 1839, on. February 17th. Captain John
Gardner presided. The first regular president was Mr. A. M. Smith. Since
its inception it has had a successful career. Its membership is 420; its
funds are in good condition; and as a patriotic work, it has in the
press a fine collection of Scottish-Canadian poetry, which will be
issued shortly. Mr. James Massie is president, and Mr. William Campbell,
HAMILTON, ON.—The Gaelic
Society of Hamilton was formed in 1886. It has accomplished much
excellent work. Mr. John N. Macdougall, one of the most loyal
Highlanders in Canada, is chief, and the secretaries are Dr. McEdwards
and R. A. Lyall.
TORONTO. - The Gaelic
Society of Toronto was founded in 1879. Mr. David Spence presided at the
preliminary meetings, and the first president was Mr. Patrick MacGregor;
the first provisional secretary was Mr. Robert McLean, who drafted the
constitution, and the first regular secretary Mr. Donald McEwan. Mr.
Donald Morrison is now the president, and the secretaries are Neil
Macdonald and A. L. McKinnon.
There are other Gaelic
Societies at various points in Canada doing good work; and also the
Celtic Society of Montreal, whose constitution is broader than the
others, the membership including Manx, Welsh, Breton, Irish and Scottish
The Sons of Scotland
Benevolent Association claims to be the largest Scottish Society in the
world. It was formed in 1876, incorporated in 1890, registered under the
Insurance Act in 1892. It does fraternal insurance business, and has a
large Reserve Fund. There are about 200 branches. The Grand Chief is Mr.
Alexander Fraser, and the Grand Secretary Major D. M. Robertson, with
head office in Toronto. |