AT this juncture, in addition to the account of Beloochistan
and its people, it is expedient to break the narrative of Browne’s personal
career by dealing with the case of his double, to which allusion has already
been made in Chapter VI. It has been stated that a young English officer
retired from the service, intending to lead a life of travel and adventure,
and that this officer bore a singular resemblance to Browne. Our narrative
will now deal with these travels and adventures until, owing to that
resemblance, he came, in a marked manner and with singular results, into
Browne’s story.
Our double at first retired from Peshawur into the
neighbouring hill tracts, studied hard at Pushtoo, Persian, Arabic, and such
other Oriental languages as might be useful, and there fell in with an
enterprising Mullah named Abdul Razak; took a strong liking to him, which
led by degrees to warm and lasting friendship; and under his guidance got
thoroughly initiated into Afghan and Mahomedan ways and habits. They soon
agreed to travel together in Oriental lands as merchants; and, as a first
step, he crossed the frontier with his friend, disguised as a Mullah, with
the assumed name of Ishmael Ali.
Then they joined a kafila (or caravan) travelling by Bokhara,
Merv, Persia, and Asia Minor, to Constantinople. After a prolonged halt
there, where they had added to their position and means by the study and
practice of medicine and of mesmerism, they went still farther afield, made
the pilgrimage to Mecca, and so became hajees and people of importance,
whatever the community into which they might be thrown.
In this prosperous state as hajees, as traders, and as
doctors and mesmerists, they first returned to Constantinople, and thence
proceeded back to Herat, and Ghuznee, and so on to Cabul—not retracing their
steps, but adopting a new route.
At Mecca they had been presented by the Shereef with a
special copy of the Koran, and they now decided to present this to the Ameer
of Cabul, Shere Ali. In due course, after reaching Cabul, they appeared
before the Ameer, presented the Koran, were graciously received, and after
an interval went south to Abdul Razak’s family village of Deela, near Mukkur
and Lake Abistade, which lie on the east of the road from Ghuznee to
Khelat-i-Ghilzie, halfway between them. There, in course of time, he married
and settled down.
Ishmael Ali was obviously a man of much shrewdness, spirit,
and enterprise; in physique he was very powerful and sturdy, and fond of
athletics—and in appearance had grown very like Browne, with the same eyes,
face, beard, and figure. While at Deela, he continued to pose as a Mullah
and a doctor, acquired a reputation for sanctity, and was much resorted to
and noticed. He entered fully into Afghan family life, and became a great
favourite in the local circles, his only peculiarity—for which he used to be
chaffed—being his making a pet, contrary to all native propriety, of a dog
which he always had with him. To the Ameer and others he made no secret of
being an Englishman, but in his habits and ways, manner of life and
demeanour, acted fully up to his assumed rble of Mahomedan Mullah.
It is not known in what year Ishmael Ali settled down at
Deela or Mukkur; but assuming it to have been about 1870—i.e. five years
after his start over the Peshawur borders—he would in the course of the next
four years—i.e. by 1874-5—have become known to many of the Pathans and
Ghilzyes who travelled to the Quetta frontier either by the direct road from
Cabul to Candahar, or by the eastern passes to the Derajat and Beloochistan.
Hence it was that Ghilzyes and others who travelled
southwards through Mukkur, and then wandered about in Beloochistan, where
Browne had begun to survey and work, were struck by his resemblance to the
Mullah, and talked to each other of it.
Further, any mysterious idea Šn the point, or on the
consequent question of identity, was strengthened by the fact, to which
further allusion will be made later on, that the veritable Mullah had now
begun to be employed by the Ameer, being sent southwards to Candahar and
elsewhere to ascertain and report on the proceedings of the British and
others in that quarter—the more so because he, the Ameer, had quarrelled
with the Ghilzye clan, who would naturally have been his agents for such
inquiries. Hence arose the fact that the travelling Afghan community and the
Ghilzyes especially began in 1876 to assert that Browne was the Mullah in
disguise. And from this fact, another followed—most important—that he went
about amongst all these wild folk and the swarms of fanatics in perfect
safety, impervious to the attack of Ghazees and the like.
The task which had been now assigned to Browne was twofold:
one the reconnaissance, in view of roads and railroads, between Sukkur and
Quetta, including the Cutchee Plain and the passes from it to Pesheen, all
lying in Beloochistan; and the other the setting out across that plain of an
alignment for a road or railway from Sukkur to Dadur, at the foot of the
Bolan Pass.
This apparently involved only the examination, from an
engineer’s point of view, of a comparatively small tract of country; but
Browne, with his thoughtful mind and broad views, saw that even the engineer
part of the question he had to deal with was not really a small, but a very
serious and extensive one, stretching far beyond the area designated—and
that in addition to this the subject was gravely affected by our relations
with the border tribes, and by the outlook from the action and bearings of
the Afghanistan and Eastern questions, and was consequently of
greatpolitical, as well as engineer, importance.
To take the latter points first, he had not hitherto, either
at Sukkur or elsewhere, seen much of the real Beloochees, and he was now
surprised and pleased to find them a much heartier and pleasanter people to
get on with than the Pathans and than he had expected; but at the same time
he realised another fact, that in the more hilly ground between the
plains and Pesheen, Afghans and Pathans, and not Beloochees only, were in
great numbers—and fanatic Pathans roamed about freely. Further, the
Afghanistan and Eastern questions were advancing into a more prominent and
acute stage, and, as already touched on, a great change had occurred in the
political outlook since the days when Lord Mayo was Governor-General. The
Ameer, who was then on the most friendly terms with us, had since become
alienated and irritated by the decision in the arbitration regarding the
province of Seistan, of which he was now to retain only a portion. And at
the same time the persistent advances and absorptions of Russia, and the
diplomacy of her agents, especially with the Ameer, were making vigorous and
decisive action necessary on the part ol the British Government Browne had
begun to watch this matter keenly; and in these circumstances, and one
other—the matter of his double—no more fortunate selection than that of
Browne could have been made for the task which he had now in hand. To
himself it was of great value, because it led to his seeking for and
acquiring a still more thorough knowledge of those border tribes and their
complications, and of the numerous bearings of the Afghanistan and Eastern
questions, and to his soon discriminating between the real people of the
country and the aliens.
While Browne was engaged on his initial steps, the Government
and the Khan of Khelat were awaiting the receipt from England of the treaty
which had been proposed for more intimate relations with the Khan; and now
before the year was over, and while Browne was hard at work, the treaty
The first overt step taken was the dispatch to Beloochistan
in early autumn, 1876, of the inevitable Colonel Colley to influence the
Khan towards its proper adoption. The phrase “inevitable” is used of set
purpose, for from this time forward all the customary official agency for
any particular task was set aside, and Colley was substituted for it. The
result was, for a time at any rate, a success—and very shortly after Colley
appeared in Beloochistan came the Viceroy himself, who in the end made much
of the Khan, and invited him to attend the great durbar at Delhi then
impending, for the proclamation of the Queen as Empress of India.
Colonel Colley had presented the proposed treaty to the Khan
and also the invitation to the impending gathering at Delhi, and on November
8th Lord Lytton carried through the treaty. Its objects were:
1. The maintenance of our commanding influence in Khelat.
2. A strong and settled Government
3. The freedom and security of the Bolan Pass.
4. The pacification of the Cutchee plains.
5. Arrangements for Quetta.
Since then, the Bolan Pass has never been closed; and
although the local tribes and people were very warlike and had never been
settled heretofore, Browne was surveying away among them, exciting their
curiosity with his instruments and proceedings, and carrying his life in his
hand. Still, as his manner was, he gradually became known and popular among
the people—and no evil ever occurred.
In the south, towards Sukkur and Quetta and Beloochistan
generally, much more real activity— not merely these diplomatic
proceedings—had been started. There was genuine hard work in hand. The old
turmoils have been described, and Sande-man’s difficulties in the management
of the Belooch chiefs and clans. Now, however, he had at last begun to
acquire personal influence with the Khan of Khelat, the Jons et origo mali—and
the more formal negotiations, pressed by Lord Lytton, were also being
settled, as it was a matter of grave moment that this territory of
Beloochistan, on the southern borders of Afghanistan, should be not only
quiet, but friendly, during the impending struggle. Browne, too, as a matter
of course, was vigorously engaged on his survey.
Meanwhile, besides the survey, he had the specific duty to
carry out of laying down the alignment of the road towards the passes—and
this task he performed in the course of his survey work on this wild and new
country, where every man’s hand seemed to be against every one else. But his
old bonhomie carried him through it all. The people, as usual, took a liking
to him; and while he used to hear of barbarities all round, he was never
seriously molested. His use of his astronomical and other instruments, and
little useful, though almost childish, presents for which he had arranged,
interested and pleased the chiefs and people; and he really became a power
with them. He pulled thoroughly well with Sandeman and received his hearty
support—the more especially that the results of his survey and other work
were most useful and valuable to Sandeman’s administrative wants during
these early rough days of the beginning of a civilised Beloochistan.
In proceeding with his survey, then, and his alignment,
during which he was alone and without escort, he found it at first
pleasanter, as has been mentioned, than he had expected, owing to the genial
character of the Beloochees; but in the higher ground nearer the northern
border the great mixture of races in the inhabitants made the work there
harder, though altogether he was enabled in the end to acquire a very
correct knowledge of the measures necessary for the utilisation of the
What, however, involved a wider and more serious question was
the engineer treatment of the tract in the plain along the foot of the hill
country through which the passes ran. In his early charge on the Punjab
frontier, his duty had taken him as far south as the Kusmore embankment, and
he had been always impressed with its liability to being breached by
exceptional floods in the Indus and with the consequences that might ensue.
Now, therefore, in dealing with the question of routes for railway and other
communications, he held that this point demanded careful consideration, and
consequently he continued his reconnaissance of the plain between the Indus
and the hills more eastwards up to Kusmore, and learnt by his levels that a
breach of the embankment would, to a certainty, permanently interrupt any
road communication between Sukkur (with the Indus Valley Railway there) and
the hills at Quetta— for this reason, that through the whole length of that
Cutchee Plain there ran a hollow depression, which would form a new channel
for the waters of the Indus on their escaping through the Kusmore breach.
He had been on this survey all through the winter of 1876-7,
and had received direct instructions on particular points from the Viceroy
himself, in accordance with Lord Lytton’s exceptional practice; and by
March, 1877, he had ascertained all this, besides including the Dadur
district within his inquisition— and still more, he had, as already
mentioned, located a portion of a line of railway between Sukkur and Sibi,
the entrance of the Bolan Pass. Though he had been practically alone on this
survey, he had been again brought much into contact with Sir G. Molesworth,
under whom he had been engaged on the Sukkur Bridge designs, and a very warm
friendship had now sprung up between them; and he had hoped to be allowed to
plot his work at Simla and be able to explain matters to the Viceroy—but
this was negatived.
He therefore arranged to send his family to England, and then
without further delay he went to Mooltan and there drew up his report; in
which, besides dealing with the points that had been proposed to him and
criticising them fully, he went farther, and boldly suggested and explained
the much more extensive operations which the lie of the country and the weak
points of the Kusmore embankment made necessary—especially in view of the
aspect of affairs in Afghanistan and the possible effects of the insidious
advance of Russia.
What he suggested was that to ensure safe communication with
Sibi and Quetta a line should be made across the Indus from Mooltan to Dera
Ghazee Khan, and should proceed thence parallel to the Indus, entirely
beyond the reach of any possible consequences of a breach at Kusmore, along
the safe side of the Cutchee Plain on the right bank down to Sibi and the
foot of the passes opposite Sukkur.
It was in May, 1877, that he submitted this report It was a
remarkable paper, and necessarily excited Lord Lytton’s immediate attention,
the more so that the anxiety about Cabul was increasing, and the outlook in
the case of the Russians being successful in the war then going on with
Turkey, by the capture of Kars or otherwise, might cause very serious
complications and difficulties.
The result of this report was that in June Browne was
summoned to Simla, where he had hitherto usually felt himself out of touch,
but where he now found his brother-in-law Pierson and his old comrade Blair.
His report was quickly discussed and approved; and the Viceroy went farther,
and, drawing away from railway and turning to frontier and political
matters, held discussions with him on them almost daily, Browne living at
Government House for a part of the time; which all led to the engineer work,
the subject of his report, being assigned to others to deal with, while
Browne himself was posted instead to the Foreign Department, as a special
officer on Lord Lytton’s own staff, but detached temporarily as a political
officer—to watch, and report to him direct on the wild tribes lining the
Pesheen border; especially one Pathan clan of primary local importance
called the “Kakurs.” He was, in Lord Lytton’s own words, to “keep open the
door of the Kakur country.”
While Browne was at Simla, there had been a fanatical episode
at Quetta, where much engineer work had been going on. Some Ghazees had
rushed through the works, and killed one officer and wounded another.
This Kakur work, though it lay actually in Beloochistan, was
so much on its northern frontier that Browne was brought into much closer
contact with the Pathans there than with the Beloochees generally.
Meanwhile, it may be observed, although it was in Central
Asia that the proceedings of the Russians were causing anxiety and being
watched in India, the incidents and possibilities of their war with Turkey
were really of primary importance. Lord Salisbury was personally present at
Constantinople, and taking part in the Conference there. The comparative
gravity of the questions involved may be gathered from the fact that, in the
face of all that was going on, the most prominent event that occurred was
the Czar’s assurance, on his honour, that he had no desire to acquire
Having described Browne’s own employment and career during
the earlier part of his work in Beloochistan at this period, it is
necessary, before we proceed farther with it, to refer to the measures and
action of the Viceroy, Lord Lytton, the more especially that, as already
noted, his rule was a very personal one and affected his officers very
seriously, especially those who had been selected for duties in which he
took any personal interest.
It will be remembered that he had taken over the viceroyalty
and at once proceeded to Simla in April, 1876. His chief work in that year
lay in connection with the Afghan question, and in efforts to induce the
Ameer to have an English representative at his court—efforts which, it need
hardly be said, failed entirely. But they were still going on when he
visited Beloochistan before the end of the year, made a treaty with the
Khan, and led him and his chiefs to attend at Delhi on the occasion, on the
next New Year’s day, of the fete in honour of the proclamation of Her
Majesty as Empress of India. During the greater part of 1877 the Afghanistan
question was still the all-important political topic; but Lord Lytton,
though he apparently thought otherwise, was not making any real way with it,
the Ameer never seriously meaning business in the direction desired. Other
very grave matters were also occupying him, such as the famine in Madras and
Mysore and the dispatch of Indian troops to Malta, on the outbreak of war
between Russia and Turkey. There were troubles also on the frontier, and the
Jowaki tribes were being coerced.
The only person besides himself whom he was allowing a
potential voice in the conduct of affairs was Colonel Colley; and at this
Jowaki business he, a novice, proposed to teach the experienced frontier
officers the advantages, of which he held them ignorant, in the use of
rifles, muskets, and so forth. He was not disabused of the true merits of
the case till he proceeded to wander over the position and suddenly found
himself face to face with a very large force of the hill men, who had long
been quietly watching the British force (as its officers well knew), but
hidden in the broken ground and rocks like Roderick Dhu’s warriors.
Lord Lytton had also been devising important, if not crucial,
measures—useful, important, and easy enough after the long previous
inertness of the Government. One of these was the formation into a new
province, and the removal from the Punjab sphere, of all the British
trans-Indus territory; and the charge of this was to have been assigned to
General (as he was then, but now Field-Marshal Earl) Roberts. He was the
Quartermaster-General of the army, and had drawn up a memorandum on frontier
questions which had greatly attracted Lord Lytton. But events were then
hurrying too fast to enable action to be taken on it, and the specific
measure proposed—the formation of a Frontier Province—was postponed till
Lord Curzon’s rule. This was a matter in which Browne took the deepest
interest, as will be seen from his paper on the subject, written not very
long before his death.
Some changes were meanwhile taking place or impending both in
the official circles and op the Viceroy’s staff, and the first change,
though a very brief one, was Colley’s visit to England. Then the Private
Secretary was transferred to the India Office, to which too Sir Henry Norman
was shortly posted as a member of the Council. He was a dissentient from
most of Lord Lytton’s views.
In addition to the few changes that have been mentioned, it
must be noted that there was almost a transformation scene in the Inner
Council of the more important and trusted officers of Government—the most
serious ones, especially in respect of the frontiers, being the prominent
positions assigned to Sir Lewis Pelly and to Cavagnari, the former unknown
except as a Bombay political officer, and the latter a very vigorous and
energetic Punjab frontier officer with soldierly proclivities of the old
Edwardes and Nicholson type. Except these and the few other favourites who
enjoyed the viceregal confidence, all others were nowhere.
Lord Lytton was now quite satisfied with the watch over the
southern borders of Afghanistan; but the dealings with the northern frontier
and the threatening aspect of the political outlook there were what was
causing him anxiety. While he had been engaged with Afghanistan—that is, in
efforts to come to terms with the Ameer—Russia had been making advances
towards the same quarter, but with much greater success, and had also been
repeating the old r6le of 1854 towards Turkey and the interests of England
in that direction. She had declared war with Turkey, and had evidently been
expecting a walk over; but Plevna and the genius of the Turkish generals had
been a lion in her path, and the strife was now ending, under Lord
Salisbury’s politic iflnuence in the treaty of San Stefano. Still the
situation there, t.e. in the neighbourhood of Turkey, was one of great
irritation, especially with the court of Russia.
At the same time, as has been already pointed out, the
Russian powers or ministers concerned directly with Turkey and those regions
were not those that dealt with Afghanistan—viz. the Turkestan
representatives of Russia; who, in fact, acted perfectly independently, in
accordance with the practice1 Lord Palmerston showed to be habitual with
During the period 1876-7, with which we have been dealing,
the action of Russia had certainly been mainly in the direction of Turkey,
as has been shown. But, though no very prominent or glaring steps had yet
been taken on the north of Afghanistan, her movement there had been serious,
though not easily recognisable. In fact, in that direction she had latterly
been blundering to a certain extent, and leaving too large a gap between her
two spheres of operation there, Krasnovodsk on the Caspian, and Khiva to the
east. But Kaufmann had not been idle in respect of attention to Afghanistan
and of measures to correct the situation—a situation which, in the
meanwhile, was of momentous advantage to Lord Lytton in giving him breathing
time for the necessary counteraction. For “Masterly Inactivity” would no
longer answer. Quiet emissaries had already been beginning to appear at
Cabul and pave the way for more overt diplomacy, insinuating that the
attention of England was fully occupied in the Mediterranean, and that the
Ameer was really free to enter on a specific and independent alliance with
Russia, for which alliance, Kaufmann, the Governor-General of Turkestan,
was, on his part, ready to take immediate steps. Suggestions were made of a
formal alliance to be framed as between two potentates. The Ameer was
cajoled in a ludicrous manner, treated as a political and military equal,
and encouraged to pose as the representative of Islam and to declare a jehad (religious
war) against the English. But specifically hostile correspondence with
England did not begin till the end of 1877, though the Ameer had already
shown his temper by taking no notice of the Viceroy’s invitation to the
Empress Durbar of the previous January. He had become sufficiently
arrogant—in contrast with his submissive attitude a few years before—to act
as if he were the actual master of the situation, playing oiT Russia against
England; though in his heart he realised, and was annoyed at, the weapon
against him which the Russians had at their command, in the presence with
them of the rival claimant to the throne of Cabul—his brother Abdurrahman.
In October, 1877, Browne started from Simla in his new
position in the Foreign Department and on the personal staff of the Viceroy,
for the exceptional political duty of watching the Afghan frontier where
occupied by the Kakur Pathans. In accordance with the Viceroy’s wishes, his
first step was to equip himself thoroughly for the very special diplomacy
and varied functions that he would have to carry out—the survey of the
district, the watch over the proceedings on the frontier, the acquisition of
personal influence with the tribesmen, and the enlisting of their good-will
in favour of the British.
To this end he first went to Roorkee, where he provided
himself not only with all the astronomical and other instruments and
appliances, the serious equipment needed for his surveys, but also with
knicknacks, and cheap watches, and the like, turned out at the workshops
there for presents to native gentry and others. Thence he turned his face
towards the Kakur frontier, joined there about the end of the month, and
never left it, except for Afghan territory, till the first part of the
Afghan war was ended and he was no longer wanted for it.
For this new and novel task of keeping open the door of the
Kakur country no specific orders or instructions were given to Browne,
except that he was not to cross the frontier into it. But there was no doubt
as to the results aimed at, and the understanding that he was to effect them
by his own wits. He was therefore given a free hand.
His object, then, as already explained, was to be the
acquisition of such influence with the Kakurs specially, and with the wild
and independent tribes generally beyond our frontier in that direction, and
the winning of such regard and confidence from them, that in the event of
war or troubles with Afghanistan they would be friendly towards us, and at
least refrain from siding against us or molesting us. He was to win the
personal regard of their chiefs, so as to sway their action in the impending
crisis; he was to effect this not only without crossing the frontier, but
also without showing any desire to do so or to meddle with them.
These Kakurs were not Beloochees, but Pathans, like the
Afreedees and Ghilzyes with whom he had to do in his early days, very
passionate and fanatical. From his special aptitude and his command of their
language (Pushtoo) he had then won their confidence and acquired exceptional
influence. He hoped to do the same now, adopting the same methods
and bonhomie, the same frank and fearless heartiness, and making the most of
his being the only British officer there who could speak their language. The
clan was a very large and powerful one, much larger than the Afreedees —and
this they had to be, to hold their own, for the Beloochee tribes in
immediate contact with them, such as the Murrees and Bhoogtees, were also
very large and powerful, and more brave and warlike.
But his task lay not merely in connection with the Kakurs,
but with the frontier and neighbouring districts generally, in getting all
the information he could, and in the best ways he could, surveying,
exploring, disguising himself if need be, and so forth; and it was for these
ends that he had been so careful before starting for the work to collect the
needful instruments and articles for presents from Roorkee and elsewhere.
Disguises were taken, in compliance with specific orders; but he rarely, if
ever, used them, and had no faith in them.
To take up this appointment he travelled from Mooltan by Dera
Ghazee Khan and Hurrund and the skirts of the Kakur country up to Dadur;
thence through the Bolan Pass to Quetta; and finally returned to Dadur and
took a brief run to Khelat, the capital. This gave him that further
knowledge of the topography of the district which he felt to be essential
for the work that was probably before him, in regard not merely to the
Kakurs, but also to his relations with other tribes, and the probability of
local disturbances and operations in the event of hostilities with
Afghanistan. He had also, he felt, gained such insight as was necessary into
local and secret politics and the causes of the outbreaks and feuds to which
there seemed to be so great a tendency.
A circumstance that at once pleased him greatly, and led him
to hope that there might be plain sailing after all, was the kindly help and
support he received from Colonel Sandeman, the G.G.A. (Govemor-General’s
Agent). The two seemed to be in entire agreement; and these cordial
relations remained unabated throughout their residence in Beloochistan till
Sandeman died there in harness in 1892, and, as will be seen, was succeeded
by Browne.
To turn now to the management of the Kakurs, the primary
object of his mission. His method in dealing with them, as he was forbidden
to cross the borders, was in the first place to avoid all obtrusiveness, but
in the next to allow them easy and free access to his own camp and tent, to
establish such a camaraderie as they would understand, to entertain their
chiefs whenever they appeared, and to avoid all outward precautions and
signs of distrust So they walked in and out as they pleased, exchanged
pinches of snuff, and talked freely with him. Also, when carrying out work
at Quetta and elsewhere, he was careful to attract these Kakurs to it, and
pay them well; and in general to establish pleasant and influential
relations with them. In order to do all this steadily and effectively he had
to live in camp on those borders for more than a year, which, needless to
say, involved risk, exposure, and privation. There was but little of
incident to record, but the result was entire success, as these two facts
will indicate.
(1) When war eventually broke out a year afterwards, instead
of being the deadly enemies of the English as had been expected, the Kakurs
never, throughout the whole campaign, fired a shot against the advancing
troops, or annoyed them at all from Sibi to Khwaja Amran.
(2) They, further, deliberately and strongly and of their own
motion informed the Ameer that we had treated them so well that not a Kakur
would join against us.
Thus was accomplished the special task for which Browne had
been deputed to this frontier, and, in addition, as he knew it to be
desired, he had acquired such local knowledge, and shown such aptitude for
dealing with these tribes and for the duties of a political officer, that
Lord Lytton kept him there for employment in that capacity in case of the
outbreak of war. |