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Native Indian Lore

This is what Stanford (Sandy) Taylor wrote about the Brokenjaw. "It is part of one of my books" Joylene Tibbitts writes. "Here it is": Joy


Archival records show three history cards for Brokenjaw, which usually shows the children of each marriage.

First card shows Knows the Country, as his son, with no mothers name.

The second shows Esther Brokenjaw Hairy Bear Little Cook, as his daughter, with no known mother.

The last card shows Brokenjaw and wife Nujawin, and their children as, Luther Brokenjaw, Lewis Brokenjaw, and Benjamin Brokenjaw.

At the time of his death he was living with a Yankton Sioux woman, but they didn’t have children. He died April 6, 1898.

The following was taken from notes my mother, Velma Louise Pensoneau Jones, Mrs. Lee Jones, left.

Broken Jaw was father of:

1. Knows the Country, son
2. Standing Bear, son
3. Big Snake, son
4. Standing Buffalo, son
5. Daughter,

Esther Broken Jaw, Little Cook, Hairy Bear. Esther's mother was Four Eyes. Her descendant, Franklin was Four Eyes but later became Fireshaker, as is the way of the Ponca to update a name according to the present ways in which they live.

Velma entertained Franklin and his daughter, Alena in the year c. later part of the 20th century.

Franklin's daughter was studying to be a P.A. at the time. She is a beautiful and highly intelligent woman. Her mother was a personal caretaker to the late Randolf Hearst's wife in California.

Dan Jones's last work of art is a meticulously formed bronze eagle. On the back he records our connection with Franklin Fireshaker, giving him credit for his keeping the legend of Eagle Boy alive through Frandlin's artwork. Franklin was also an actor.

Esther was the sister to Lewis Broken Jaw who lived in the north. Esther lived here at Ponca City, Oklahoma on her and Sam Little Cook's allotment along the Salt Fork River. She was buried there close to the fence line. Her bones were reportedly plowed up years later by the farmers who leased the land. I identified the necklace she wore when buried.

Velma told. Many are the descendants of Broken Jaw: Pensoneaus, Joneses, Arkeketa, Little Cook, Give's Water, Liebs, Big Snake, Kemble, Cries for Ribs, No Ear, Brown, and many more.

Joy Tibbits writes:

I always love hearing stories passed down by families. It makes these people come alive. It is sad to think how many bones have been plowed up by farmers.

I think Broken Jaw was born about 1826. I'm not sure who his father was. Do you know? Knows The Country was born about 1844 and is the oldest son of Broken Jaw. Esther was born in 1848. Luther Brokenjaw was born about 1863; Lewis Brokenjaw was born about 1865; Benjamin Brokenjaw was born in 1880. His family was surely spread out!

Brokenjaw probate, allotted 26 May 1891, died 6 April 1898, heirs were the following:

1. Lewis Brokenjaw, son, 7/288
2. Jeffrey Knows the Country, grandson 24/288
3. Alberta Roy, granddaughter, 24/288
4. Joe Four Eyes, grandson, 24/288
5. Hairy Bear, son-in-law 18/288
6. Annie Little Cook Waters, granddaughter, 9/288
7. Philip No Ear, husband of granddaughter, 3/288
8. Katherine No Ear, daughter of granddaughter 2/ 288
9. Sarah No Ear, daughter of granddaughter 2/ 288
10. Sadie No Ear, daughter of granddaughter, 2/288
11. Creth Others (nee Little Cook), granddaughter 9/288
12. Lizzie (nee Little Cook) Pensoneau, granddaughter 9/288
13. Henry Little Cook, grandson, 9/ 288
14. David Little Cook, grandson, 9/288
15. Edward Brokenjaw, grandson, 24/288
16. Anna B. Rhodd, granddaughter, 24/288
17. Joseph Crazy Bear, son-in-law,, 12/ 288
18. Perry Crazy Bear, great grandson, 12/288

(Brokenjaw folder, Nebraska probate #95561-15, p. 1, Ponca Tribe of Nebraska Archives)

I also have a Joe Four Eyes Fire Eyes Fireshaker who was the son of Ruth Fireshaker and Knows The Country. He was the stepson of Fire Shaker.

Probate: Joe Four Eyes Okla Allot #357, died intestate 1 October 1929, Okla probate #61691-31, heirs were the following:

1. Augustus Fireshaker, son, 12/48
2. Portia Fireshaker Primeaux, daughter ,12/48
3. Franklin Fireshaker, son, 12/48
4. Katherine Cry Headman, dau. of, 3/48
5. Helen P. Little Dance, dau. of sub. d. wf., 3/48
6. Peter Washington, son of of sub. d. wf, 3/48
7. Rose Cerre Roy, gr. dau of of sub. d. wf,, 1/48
8. Edna Cerre, gr. dau. of of sub. d. wf,, 1/48
9. Marvin Cerre, gr. son of of sub. d. wf,1/48

(Brokenjaw folder, Nebraska probate #95561-15, p. 2, Ponca Tribe of Nebraska Archives)

The famous brothers Standing Bear (1829-1908) and Big Snake (1834-1879) were sons of Drum. I also believe Standing Buffalo was the son of another chief named "Standing Buffalo", but I'll have to check.

Joy writes:

I got Big Snake's birth year wrong. He was born about 1832. Yellowhorse, another brother of Standing Bear and Big Snake was born about 1846 and died in 1926. They had sisters too, but I'm not sure how many and what their names were.


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